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October 2001

Pandering Prophets! - Peter Drucker is considered by many to be the world's leading authority on Business and Management. But if he's so smart, why does he say things that are so demonstrably false? (Click here for my rant.)

September 2001

The President flames while the economy fiddles! - Instead of focusing on solving the real problems underlying our faltering economy, Bush and the democrats waste our time blaming one another.

The Devil's in the details when politics and truth collide! - According to the Center for Disease Control, women die from diseases of the heart at a higher rate than men do. But a little digging reveals that's a political rather than a medical reality. Add race and the distortions grow even larger. What's going on? Is the CDC lying to us?

February 2000 - The myth of beauty

January 2000 - This is a test of the Insult Broadcasting System

July 1999 - Teens and violence: If we believe what we hear, see and read in the news, young Americans are more violent than ever, and the public schools are war zones brimming with juvenile killers programmed by TV and video games to burst into a frenzy of blood-letting and classmate slaying at the slightest provocation. But the reality is far less fearsome and more hopeful.

September 1998 - An untimely obsession: There are more important matters than the President's peccadilloes.

February 1998 - Without blame: making time enough for love.

January 1998 - Is it time to embrace men as equals: Proponents of the Equal Rights Amendment should practice what they preach.


November 1997 - Do women need men: Pop feminists joke that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. What do the fish have to say?

October 1997 - What do women and men want: Freud asked, "What do women want?" Today, some ask, "What do men want?" But no answer will be complete until a we ask the real question, the one that ties all humanity together.

September 1997 - The day the fairy tale died: What history may remember most about Princess Di is that she stood transfixed at the crossroads between Shakespeare's sister and a room of her own, and there she died.

July 1997 - Silence is the problem: We depend on one another for our existence. In the end, there cannot be only one.

January 1997 - Reluctant Revolutionaries: Every social movement creates the fanatics whose extremism creates a backlash.


November 1996 - Hiding a world of sin: As the doors to the managerial and executive suites opened for women, however, what they proved, more than anything else, is that a woman can be at least as bad as a man.

October 1996 - Never generalize a grudge: What if men begin treating women the way women are treating men?

August 1996 - Confronting every evil: What happens when standing up to bullies becomes "controversial" or is considered wrong?

July 1996 - Watch out for the Cave Man: What will become of a society that is unwilling to set aside the politics of confrontation and treat each and every one with respect?

June 1996 - Crab apples vs. Golden Delicious: Apple-to-Orange comparisons?

May 1996 - The male vote: The time has come for men to support equal legal responsibilities for women to go along with their equal (and in some cases, superior) rights.

April 1996 - The history of white guys in America: Canadian and American men are among the finest, noblest, most caring and responsible people in the world.

March 1996 - An end unto themselves: What's wrong with feminizing the work place?

February 1996 - What we oppose: setting the record straight.

January 1996 - Choosing what is "meant to be": What is the price of passivity?


December 1995 - Of Men and Angels: A fitting allegory for the male condition.

May 1995 - Civilizing Evolution's hangups: "Keep your hangups the hell out of this revolution."

April 1995 - Camille Paglia: When truth offends

March 1995 - The feminist fog: truth defends

February 1995 - Second chances and double standards: Feminists complain of a sexist double standard. But their complaints ring false when they ignore the sexist double standards that harm men.

January 1995 - The "Reasonable Man" standard: In the sexual harassment case of Ellison v Brady, Kerry Ellison scored a feminist victory when she set the precedent for the uniquely female "Reasonable Woman" standard. But there's another side to this case that is often ignored.

December 1994 - Men need to care up close: When divorced fathers tell me about how much it hurts to be shut out of their children's lives, what I hear them saying is that, no less than mothers, they need to care up close.

November 1994 - Feminism for Foxes: Naomi Wolf suffers a credibility gap.

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