- July 2000

Some provocative quotes


A lot of women are not comfortable calling themselves feminists. It has become the new f-word.

- Shannon (Sam) Sampert, National Post, March 9, 2000

The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self-awareness.

- Ron Shelton, Bull Durham, 1988

Title VII protects all employees from sex discrimination, without regard to the gender of the harasser or the victim.

- Acting U.S. Solicitor General Seth Waxman, The Seattle Times December 2, 1997

Simply put, women are not optimized for war making.

- Tom Hewes, Colonel, USMC (Ret.), The Rights Stuff, The Feminine Mythtique

I always believed the world is what we make of it.

- Carl Sagan, Contact, 1998

This is the stock in trade of family lawyers to malign and cast aspersions in an ad hominem way on the other side.

- University of Miami law Professor Bernard Perlmutter, Miami Herald , April 11, 2000

I admire honesty.

- "Elain," Alli McBeal, May 15, 2000

You know the story: boy meets girl, girl modifies boy's sub-routines.

- "Kathryn Janeway," Star Trek Voyager, Production 931 Fair Haven

A careful look at the pool of students who take the SAT and similar tests shows that the girls' lower scores have little or nothing to do with bias or unfairness. Indeed, the scores do not even signify lower achievement by girls. First of all, according to College Bound Seniors, an annual report on standardized-test takers published by the College Board, many more "at risk" girls than "at risk" boys take the SAT -- girls from lower-income homes or with parents who never graduated from high school or never attended college. "These characteristics," the report says, "are associated with lower than average SAT scores." Instead of wrongly using SAT scores as evidence of bias against girls, scholars should be concerned about the boys who never show up for the tests they need if they are to move on to higher education.

- Christina Hoff Sommers, The War Against Boys, The Atlantic Monthly, May 2000

What was so bizarre is that (the AAUW's 1992 How Schools Shortchange Girls report) came out right at the time that girls had just overtaken boys in almost every area.

- Diane Ravitch, former U.S. assistant secretary of education, The War Against Boys, The Atlantic Monthly, May 2000

I happened to be raised to believe men and women are equal, although in court it's never equal.

- Gary Coleman, Reader's Digest TV, June 21, 2000


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