- March 2000

Some provocative quotes


What passes for civil rights these days is a political shakedown and a racial hustle.

- David Horowitz, Racial Shakedowns, February 17, 2000

Feminism can be simplified as a political process or power play with two basic objectives: of eliminating social controls over women, while increasing social controls over men.

- Richard Kroeger, Equalitarian Discussion Board, February 16, 2000

The bubble money coming out of the stock market along with the rise in real estate values are making Americans so giddy that they've lost sight of what things should cost.

- John Crudele, Fox News, February 18, 2000

If you look at 10 years of the Vietnam War, that killed 58,000 soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen, and everybody said that's just a horrible waste of life. We kill around 42,000 a year with automobiles and nobody blinks.

Col. Robert Hightower, commissioner of the Georgia Department of Public Safety, Pedal to the metal, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, March 5,2000

The effort to separate ourselves whether by race, creed, color, religion or status is as costly to the separator as to those who would be separated.

- Melba Pattillo Beals, Warriors Don't Cry, Black Americans' struggles are all Americans' struggles, Bismark Tribune, February 16, 2000

The political tactics of division and slander are not our values. They are corrupting influences on religion and politics and those who practice them in the name of religion or in the name of the Republican party or in the name of America shame out faith, our party, and our country.

- Senator John McCain, Town Hall Meeting in Virginia Beach, VA, February 28, 2000

Lying can be a very effective dating tool.

- Blast from the Past, 1998 New Line Productions


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