- January 1999

Some provocative quotes


Feminists have hijacked the women's shelter movement and are using them as bunkers in their war against men.

-Erin Pizzey, founder of the Women's Shelter movement

Seated at the head of an oval table, I faced fifteen female editors and remarked, "Wow, there are a lot of women in book publishing." "Honey, it's about eight-five percent women," laughed one thirtyish editor as she pushed back a lock of no-fuss hair.

- Evelyn Summerstein, Absolutely Capitalist, Bitch, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1998

Women have got it all over on men when it comes to shitting.

- Heather Seggel, Dear Bitch, Bitch, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1998

A young female editor at Doubleday gave my agent to understand in a letter, which she was kind enough not to forward, that the work of more recent feminist scholarship had somehow rendered my book obsolete in the "current climate." ... I am out of fashion in the new academic cottage industry of feminism, unable to find even the most negligible teaching assignment in a field now seething with practitioners, and unworthy of publication as well, however spurious and underpaid.

- Kate Millett, author of Sexual Politics, Meditations on Aging and
Being Unemployable
, On the Issues, Summer 1998

Equality embraces a lifetime of events.

- Rich Zubaty, Surviving the Feminization of America

They did it, purely and simply, to prevent customer choice, there is no plausible efficiency justification for what Microsoft has done.

- David Boies, the DOJ's lead attorney against Microsoft,
InfoWorld, December 14, 1998

Microsoft has killed the Windows software industry. Made it so difficult to win that tech talent and tech money are going elsewhere.

- Jesse Berst, , Editorial Director, ZDNet AnchorDesk, December 16, 1998

Back and forth they went: Southern women are too naive; Northern women are too deceiving. Southern women are too country; Northern women are too slick. Southern women are looking for a daddy; Northern women are looking for a sugar daddy. Southern women don't miss a meal; Northern women don't miss a free meal. Northern women are only interested in money; Southern women are only interested in money.

-Kevin Chappell, For Brothers Only: The type of Woman
that turns a man on
, Ebony, January 1999

Surprisingly, both in the lab and at home, battered women expressed as much belligerence and contempt as their husbands did.

-Neil S. Jacobson, Ph.D., and John M. Gottman, Ph.D.,
Anatomy of a Violent Relationship, Psychology Today, April 1998


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