You're an emancipated woman; learn to lose.
- Danny Devito, Other People's Money
Like the Roman Empire, Microsoft has successfully turned most of its potential rivals into client states.
- Michael Vizard, InfoWorld, July 28, 1997
Thanks to its monopoly profits, Microsoft can afford to give its browser away for free.
- Jesse Berst, Editorial Director, ZDNet AnchorDesk, August 18, 1997
Men love romantic movies: Porno!
- Richard Jeni, HBO Comedy Hour, September 1997
Right now a lot of people are more bent on making themselves feel better about the world, by looking at it through Prozac eyes, than on improving it.
- Hans Koning, The Atlantic Monthly, September 1997
This country has a problem it doesn't wish to face: an excess of killing power.
- William Greider, Rolling Stone, July 10-24, 1997
If you're in an environment mostly dominated by a male culture, many of the things you must do to succeed are more comfortable for men than women.
- Linda A. Hoffman, Business Week, February 17, 1997
Everyone knows programming isn't a core competency at Microsoft. Marketing is the only core competency here. By next year, the marketers just might have this whole place to themselves.
- Anonymous Microsoft programmer, The Stranger, June 19, 1997
Men are from Earth. Women are from Earth. End of story.
- Johnnie Walker Red Label advertisement, Wired, September 1997