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American citizens can now register online to vote at

Firearms, like physicians, prevent far more deaths than they cause, December -

Undermining American sovereignty, December - The New American

An unofficial recount of votes in Florida appears to confirm that Bush lost the US presidential election, December - Guardian

As the days go on, it is more and more likely that the state of Florida will become George W. Bush's Whitewater, December - Chicago Sun-Times

If we must talk about hate crimes, then we should also include the hate speech liberals regularly employ against Republicans and conservatives, David Horowitz - December - Salon

The people of the United States actually have two national flags: one for our military government and another for the civil, December - Flag Day Festival

Florida's voting poetic justice for civil-rights leaders and the Democratic Party, December - WorldNetDaily

Fixing the Electoral College: For the fourth time in American history the winner of the popular vote in a presidential election has been denied the presidency, December - Washington Post

A Simple Q&A that Every American Should Read: A layman's guide to the Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore, December - Michael Moore

Why feminism wins elections: Sex appeal, December - The New Republic

George W. Bush says the main problem facing America is isolationism: Then why are we are entangled in so many treaties and alliances, and have American armed forces posted in 100 foreign countries, almost without exception on missions that have nothing to do with either national interests or national security? December - Orlando Sentinel.

Time to Rein in Global Finance: World Bank & IMF may not be worthy of all the hostility they have generated, December -

Symptoms of Tyranny: The American people still think they live under their Constitution, because the U.S. Government tells them so. Of course that same government also tells them what the Constitution means, and the meaning keeps changing, and with every new meaning the government increases its own power, December - Lew Rockwell.

Bush Dynasty born of Essex man: The Bush family have not always embraced their British roots, wanting to portray themselves as down-to-earth American Southerners, December - The Times.

How Politicians Exploit 'The Will of the People': Al Gore won more votes nationwide than George W. Bush. Yet Mr. Bush claims that he won more votes in Florida, and so he won the election, December - International Herald Tribune.

Gore in 04? Why this may be the end of the line for Al Gore, December - The Atlantic Monthly.

Bush v. Gore: Full text of the Supreme Court ruling, December - Cornell Law School.

We Are Not Meant To Be Governed Solely By Courts, December - RealClearPolitics.

New U.N. treaty ratified quietly: The Desertification Treaty claims jurisdiction over 70% of the earth's land area, December - WorldNetDaily.

US investigator follows claim of Reno vendetta against Sydney-based lawyer, December - Sydney Morning Herald.

The Death of Due Process: Americans are no longer secure in law-the justice system no longer seeks truth and prosecutors are untroubled by wrongful convictions, December - Forbes.

Citizens Who Can't Vote for President: With the nation's eyes still fixed on Florida's interminable battle over presidential votes, no one seems to be commenting on what happened a little farther south, where millions of registered voters were prevented from casting any ballots at all in the presidential election, December - New York Times.

Tonie Nathan was not only the first female vice presidential candidate to receive an Electoral College vote, she was the first Jewish candidate as well, December - Register Guard.

Secret plan to spy on all British phone calls, December - The Observer.

The Stand-off (very cute), December - World Net Daily.

When the spirit of the law means nothing, and getting around the law means everything -- and if the vicious cycle repeats itself enough -- there is no law left, December -

Pakistan's Jihad Culture: Pakistani militant groups are killing civilians and engaging in terrorism in Indian-held Kashmir under the guise of holy war, December - Foreign Affairs.

Why the WTO sucks, December - The Shadow.

IRS threatening to censor non-profit websites, December - Idependent Media Center.

WTO N30: Protest at Westlake, December - Idependent Media Center.

WTO N30: It wasn't the happy occasion the media portrayed, December - Idependent Media Center.

1,000 Pints of Bush Lite: How the media let George W. off the hook during the 2000 campaign, November - Willamette Week.

The Real Reason the Government Won't Debate Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Re-legalization, November -

How justice was lost, November -

Explicit statistical evidence of massive ballot tampering in Palm Beach, Fl, November - Reagan Information Interchange.

1,700 arrested at Georgia soldier-training school, November - Nando Times.

The British legal system of mixed Common and Roman Law has been used to enslave USA, November - American Patriot Friends Network.

Democrat memo on how to disqualify military votes, November - Drudge Report.

Florida Ballot, November - - requires Flash Player.

Slap Hillary, November - Front Page magazine - requires Flash Player.

The Lack of Evidence in Palm Beach, November - National Review.

Florida: the Case for Rerunning the Election, November - American Prospect.

The liberal elite's plan for a second civil war, November - Daily Telegraph.

Recount Ruling Text: Text of Tuesday's ruling to extend the 5 p.m. EST Tuesday deadline for reporting recounts of Florida's presidential vote to the secretary of state, November - Yahoo Daily News.

Send in the U.N. Observers and Jimmy Carter, November - Michael Moore.

Senator Clinton calls for an end to the Electoral College, November - Yahoo Daily News.

US Elections Need International Observers, November - Mother Jones.

The Irrelevant Election: Americans will elect the next Hegemon-in-Chief. The world shouldn't expect any big foreign -policy initiatives, though, November - Foreign Policy.

Buchanan Brigades Storm Palm Beach?, November - American Spectator.

Gore is Responsible for Gore's Electoral Problems, November - Vote Nader.

Buchanan has a condo in Delray Beach, FL, November - Buchanan Reform.

The differences between the two major parties have gotten blurred in a campaign whose hallmark is that each candidate professes to be much like the other., November - American Prospect.

A no-win situation: It is the fact that so many of those who do vote don't have their votes counted, November - Washington Post.

The presidency on hold: America is not in the midst of a constitutional crisis, but they could manage to manufacture one, November - Chicago Tribune.

Recounts of presidential election votes may not end in Florida: 30 electoral votes not yet locked up; challenges possible, November - Detroit Free Press.

Joseph Farah Between the Lines: Voter fraud, again! November - Nando Times.

Joseph Farah Between the Lines: Voter fraud, again! November - WolrdNet Daily.

The real victors - Nader and Buchanan, November -

Friends of Liberty, November - Gene Hopp.

Libertarian Platform, November - Libertarian Party.

Defense, Foreign Policy, Small Businesses, Social Security, Trade, November - Buchanan Reform.

Libertarian Platform, November - Republican Party.

Democratic Platform, November - Democratic Party.

Nader: The Issues, November - Nader2000.

Women & Elections: THE GENDER GAP, November - Feminist Majority.

Why don't voters vote for minor party and Independent Candidates?, November - Unity Party.

The 2nd American Revolution, November - Unity Party.

To tell the truth: From the desk of Congressman Ron Paul, November - Unity Party.

Call goes out for Jews worldwide to unite in prayer, November - Virtual Jerusalem.

Tell the truth about Israel, November - The Guardian.

The two-party system is letting us down, November - Boston Globe.

The nobility of failure: Taki Endorses Pat November - Buchanan Reform.

Yugoslavia: Some Wrong Answers November - IntellectualCapital.

More taxes for the children? October - Worldnet Daily.

As the World Churns: The roiling globe provides a different prism to view not only the presidential nominees, but also their running mates., October - New York Times.

Clinton sells out to China, October - Seattle P-I.

Germ Bombs: Bioterrorism, October - Metro Times.

Winona LaDuke: Party Crasher, October - City Pages.

A feast of retreats: The downfall of Israel?, October - Washington Post.

Wishful Thinking on Social Security, October - Cato Institute.

First Amendment protects unpopular views, too, October - Freedom Forum.

Protesters Demand End to U.S. Presence, October - Los Angeles Times.

Corruption at the Border: Customs Whistleblower, October - Chris Gerner's Amerikan Exposé.

Gore's equal-wage plan hurts women, October - Boston Globe.

Toxic Texan: Dubya Sold Out His Home State's Environment; Ours May Be Next, October - Tucson Weekly.

As you know, I hope I'm not here to have to deal with it., October - George Bush speaks...on the $750 million state budget shortfall in Texas.

During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet., October - Al Gore will say anything.

Why voters will lose out in Tuesday's debate, October - Boston Globe.

Buchanan, Nader raiding for votes, October - Boston Herald.

Protesters converge on IMF/World Bank's 55th annual summit in Prague, October - Independent Media Center.

Al Gore claims a labor song he heard as a childhood lullaby wasn't written until 1975, October - New York Post.

Medically uninsured up in '90s, October - Dallas Morning News.

Critics say Gore the populist is Gore at his insincere best, September - Philadelphia Inquirer.

Belgrade gives Clinton, others 20 years in jail, September - Virtual New York.

Will Gore-Lieberman bring us any closer to ending U.S. military intervention abroad?, September - About as close as the Ralph Nader site gets to addressing foreign intervention.

The Buchanan Moment: Nazi? Isolationist? Anti-Semitic?, September - on the lies about Buchanan.

Bring the troops home, September - Libertarian Party platform on foreign intervention.

A Republic, Not an Empire, September - Buchanan Reform on foreign intervention.

The United Nations Rapid Deployment Police and Security Force Act, September - The Liberty Committee.

Death Cycle of Presidents Elected in a Zero Year, September - Netizens for Spin-Free News.

Rescind War/Emergency Powers Petition, September - James Michael Morgan.

Why did Shrub try to duck the debates?, September - This will take you to an op-ed item on the New York Times site.

Larger hole in ozone shocks NASA Experts, September - This will take you to a news item on the Houston Chronicle site.

State Sen. Ken Armbrister has the unenviable task of trying to find ways to slow the runaway growth of the Texas prison population: Is this what Shrub has in mind for the country should he become president?, September - This will take you to an editorial item on the Dallas Morning News site.

Here's a debate question: Where's the leadership?, September - This will take you to a news item on the Christian Science Monitor site.

Gore gains upper hand among female voters , September - This will take you to a news item on the Boston Globe site.

Australia wants to let the Army shoot citizens, September - This will take you to a news item on the NewsMax site.

The Reform Party, September - Hagelin or Buchanan?

'No-burn' policy of 100 years ago reaping fiery destruction, August - This will take you to an article on the Seattle P-I site. It provides another example of bureaucratic stupidity. For more than 50 years my family has practiced the kind of management the Forest Service only recently recommended.

Al Gore's Acceptance Speech, August - Gore for President site.

'Jackboot Liberalism' Residues, August - This will take you to commentary by Doug Bandow on the Cato Institute site. In this essay, Bandow examines Clinton's legacy: an assault on constitutional values and conventional morals.

Pat Buchanan's Acceptance Speech, August - Buchanan Reform site.

George W.'s Acceptance Speech, August - This will take you to George W's site.

Harry Browne's Acceptance Speech, August - This will take you to the Libertarian Party site.

DNC puts women in spotlight, August - This link will take you to an article on the Seattle Times site. Gore continues to play to his weakness: by playing to women, ladies' man Clinton played to his strength. Gore, who is anything but a ladies' man, is trying to play the same gambit and it won't work.

Lieberman and the Race-Mongers, August - This link will take you to an article on the National Review site.

Al and Joe and Bill, August - This link will take you to an article on the American Spectator site.

Liberalism after Clinton, August - This link will take you to an article on the American Prospect site.

Bush and Gore Make Me Wanna Ralph, August - A Letter from Michael Moore to the Non-Voters of America.

An 'A' in Rhetoric, 'Incomplete' as Politics, August - This will take you to a critical analysis of George W. Bush's acceptance speech at the IntellectualCapital site.

Poor Prescription: The Costs of Imprisoning Drug Offenders in the United States, August - This will take you to a report at the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice site.

Congressman alleges FBI-mob connections, August - This will take you to an article at the WorldNetDaily site.

The Coming Showdown: Police, Protesters Prepare for Conventions, August - This will take you to an article at the Independent Media Center site.

Why Protest the Conventions?, August - This will take you to an article at the Zmag site.

Philadelphia police brass incite officers in preparation for RNC convention, August - This will take you to an article at the Independent Media Center site.

Crossing bloodlines - the Gore dynasty, July - This will take you to an article at the Lew Rockwell site.

Protest against Canada's continued support for Sri Lanka's separatist violence, July - This will take you to an article at Sri Lanka Daily News.

S&M, July - Brought to you by the Center for Disease Control, among others. Warning: the S&M site contains some graphic material.

Bilderberg Fears Buchanan: Historically, Bilderberg has owned presidents, July - This will take you to an article at The Spotlight.

FBI is watching your email, July - This will take you to an article at C-Net's news site.

Gun Laws still don't work, July - This will take you to an editorial at The Firearms Coalition site.

Corrupt American Bar Association?, July - the American Bar Association is holding its annual convention in New York City. A demonstration will be held protesting corruption. The demonstration will be at Avenue of the Americas, between 53rd and 54th Streets, opposite the Hilton New York on Saturday, July 8th at 11:00am. It is suggested that all interested parties plan to participate in a demonstration against the Bar Association. You are requested to bring your own signs and leaflets. Any questions, please contact Lori - This will take you to the J.A.I.L. for Judges site.

Securing Your Retirement, July - The Libertarian Party says with Social Security, the politicians in Washington are stealing your future.

Critics Say Gore Social Security Plan Would Do Little, July - The RNC slams Gore's plan for Social Security reform.

Bush Pushes Social In-Security with Privatization, July - The DNC slam Bush's plan for Social Security reform.

No One is Required to File Tax Returns?, July - This will take you to Bill Conklin's Anti-IRS site.

A Real Opposition Party Starts to Line Up at Last, July - This will take you to an article at the NewsDay.Com site.

Globalization on trial in France, July - This will take you to an article at the Independent Media Center site.

Hillary the Leftist?, July - This will take you to an article at the IntellectualCapital site.

"Son of 695" Initiative I-722, June - This will take you to the Initiate Text at the Lower Taxes site.

Pedestrian politics, May - Further adventures on the streets of Bellevue

Demise of the Seattle Dumb Dome, April - Another Seattle political farce bites the dust. This link will take you to video excerpts of the King Dome demolition at our sister site,

Presidential Candidates on the Issues, February 2000 - Very informative.

Open Up the Presidential Debates: Let All Candidates Be Heard, February 2000 - The Libertarian Party slams the Demopublicans and Republicrats.

The Mysterious U.S. Trade Deficit, February 2000 - The Reform Party focuses on the issues.

George W. Bush Debate Reality Check, February 2000 - The DNC slams Bush.

The best of Al Gore's Lies and Exaggerations, February 2000 - The RNC slams Gore.

Bill Bradley on Issues Important to Women and Families, February 2000 - This link will take you to Bill Bradley's position on women's issues at the BillBradley website.

John McCain's Commitment to the Priorities of American Women and Families, February 2000 - This link will take you to John McCain's position paper on the glass ceiling and more at the McCain2000 website.

Al Gore Proposes Next Step in Welfare Reform, February 2000 - This link will take you to Al Gore's position on fathers at the AlGore2000 website.

A Distinctly American Internationalism, February 2000 - This link will take you to a speech by George W. Bush at the GeorgeWBush website.

A Conservative Agenda for a New Century, February 2000 - Buchanan Reform.

The Millennium Conflict: America First or World Government, January 2000 - Buchanan Reform.

Did Clinton lie about Kosovo?, December 1999 - This link will take you to an article by by: Phyllis Schlafly at the Eagle Forum website.

10 Reasons to dismantle the WTO, December 1999 - This link will take you to an article at the IGC website.

Echelonwatch, December 1999 - Echelon is perhaps the most powerful intelligence gathering organization in the world. Reports suggest that this network is being used to spy on private citizens everywhere, including on the Internet. This link will take you to a highly disturbing section of the ACLU website.

The New Patriotism, November 1999 - Buchanan Reform.

Gore gets his advice from Naomi Wolf for $15,000-a-month?, November 1999 - For this she should throw in real hair! This link will take you to an article by Ceci Connolly on the Washington Post website.

The Smallest Proletariat, November 1999 - This link will take you to an article by Stephanie Herman on the American Partisan website.

Kathleen (Rodham) Parker for the U.S. Senate? If only..., November 1999 - This link will take you to Kathleen Parker's website.

Buchanan Responds to Republican Rivals, October 1999 - Do those attacking me realize they are defending the policies that produced World War II and virtual annihilation of the Jewish population of Europe? While the West is busy erecting Holocaust museums, it has failed to study the history that produced it.

Do you want to pay taxes on your Internet purchases?, September 1999 - This link will take you to the Fight Internet Taxes site

Of Clinton, Congress and Caspar Milquetoast, June 1999 - Where's the courage?

NATO bombing 'a fruitless effort' - This link will take you to a CNN report on former President Jimmy Carter's response to the bombings in Yugoslavia.

A time for truth about China - Buchanan Reform.

Kosovo: Revision, recycle and reality - RightGrrl.

Stop the Unraveling of a Nation, February 1999 - Does moral decline equal economic decline?

An untimely obsession, September 1998 - While the American media obsesses over Loose Lips Lewinsky and the president's sexual peccadilloes, an imminent global crisis demands our immediate attention.

Pedestrian politics, Summer 1996 - Across Lake Washington from Seattle, while the Eastside newspaper, Journal American, extols the virtues of Bellevue City Hall, Bellevue's bureaucrats quietly endanger our children's lives.
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