- June 1999

Of Clinton, Congress
and Caspar Milquetoast

by Bernice Van Mechelen
Copyright © 1999 by Bernice Van Mechelen


During the impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton, I said "He wants to keep us focused on his sexual deviation so we won't worry about his fund raising with the Chinese."

During his Senate trial, I said "There is something else going on that he doesn't want us to know about." I remember Wexler saying that he shouldn't be convicted because "everybody lies about sex" and "what can he do in the short time he has left in office?" Meaning that he couldn't do anything to hurt the country if he were left in office.

The Senate trial was barely over when Clinton staged the fiasco in Yugoslavia. At the time, people seemed to think it was to take the attention away from further action in the Paula Jones case. What a joke.

Now the whole world knows Clinton and his cohorts have committed treason in more than one area. Everyone that is, except Congress. When will they do something? Are they all so afraid of Clinton and what he might do to them that they will protect him with their last breath?

I am so disgusted with all of them that I don't know what to do, and I'm not the only one. I am a 68 year old grandmother and I have said right from the start I didn't know what he was up to, but it was obvious to me Clinton had his own agenda. As he continued in office it soon became obvious what that agenda was, but Congress seems either stupid or afraid of him - and that goes for both Democrats and Republicans.

If it weren't so important to protect our country for my grandchildren, I wouldn't even bother to write. There is no doubt in my mind Clinton's agenda is to be King of the World and if he has to destroy our country in the process - so be it. Why else would he fight so hard to take all the guns away from the people? I heard him say that he would not give up until there were no more guns in private hands. (Not his exact words, but that was what he meant.)

I lived in China two years and it seems pretty obvious the Chinese are blackmailing Clinton.

He has what military we have left deployed all around the world. Our missile defenses are rapidly being used up. Our planes and other equipment are being cannibalized to keep other planes and equipment usable. Our bases in this country have been closed and only a few left operational - and yet Clinton wants to close more.

What does he have to do before the people in Congress finally wise up? I just heard two different congressmen on TV say they didn't understand why Clinton seemed so indifferent to the China spy problem. Well, I lived in China for two years and it seems pretty obvious that the Chinese are probably blackmailing Clinton with the indiscretions he committed while he was in China. They likely even have a movie of him in the middle of an orgy.

Congress should get rid of Clinton and his whole cabinet and not waste anymore time doing it. Impeachment is too good for them. Congress should go en masse and march them out of office.

Where is the courage?

Where is their courage? Why do the democrats protect and defend him when they know what he has done? Daschle astounded me when he tried to put the blame on Reagan and Bush and praised the Clinton administration for being the one to take care of the problem. How could he say that when Clinton is the one who removed the safe guards that kept the spies (who started work in the Carter administration) from using what they had?

It was when Clinton removed the safe guards that the wholesale spying went into affect and the keys were provided that allowed the Chinese to use what they had learned. Congress must have a very low regard for the intelligence of the American people if they expect us to swallow that kind of garbage. From Daschle, I mean.

Don't they realize their children and grandchildren are going to be killed just as dead as the rest of us? I probably won't live to see it at my age, but some of them will. Do they think that since we'll all be dead anyhow they won't have to live with the consequences, so what does it matter?

I have heard an attorney on the radio from Florida say he has evidence the Mafia is blackmailing Republicans into doing what Clinton wants. He was planning to bring a case against congress for not convicting Clinton, however, since I haven't heard anything further, I assume the Mafia had him killed. Is that what they are afraid of, or is it the FBI files that Hillary stole?

Whatever has turned the log of them into a bunch of Caspar Milquetoasts is something they better resolve in a hurry and bet to work saving our country.

There was never a need for Clinton to bomb Yugoslavia to pieces - something congress is going to appropriate tax money to rebuild after it is all over.

We know that it has only been about a dozen years or so ago that the Albanians were getting rid of the Serbs in Kosovo. We didn't consider it our business then and we shouldn't consider it our business now. These people have hated each other for centuries and they are not going to stop after the bombing stops.

And what about the way Albania supported the Nazis in WWII to the point of sending a crack SS troop to support Hitler?

Hillary and Bill have bled the American people far too long and it is time they and their cohorts are removed from office. They are just as bad as their Mafia supporters and we want them out of Washington, D.C., today!

I don't have a computer and I am doing this on my little old typewriter because I am so concerned that there will be no U.S.A. for my grandchildren to grow up in.

I care, do you?


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