September 1998 - An untimely obsession: There are more important matters than the President's peccadilloes.
February 1998 - Without blame: making time enough for love.
January 1998 - Is it time to embrace men as equals: Proponents of the Equal Rights Amendment should practice what they preach.
November 1997 - Do women need men: Pop feminists joke that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. What do the fish have to say?
October 1997 - What do women and men want: Freud asked, "What do women want?" Today, some ask, "What do men want?" But no answer will be complete until a we ask the real question, the one that ties all humanity together.
September 1997 - The day the fairy tale died: What history may remember most about Princess Di is that she stood transfixed at the crossroads between Shakespeare's sister and a room of her own, and there she died.
July 1997 - Silence is the problem: We depend on one another for our existence. In the end, there cannot be only one.
January 1997 - Reluctant Revolutionaries: Every social movement creates the fanatics whose extremism creates a backlash.
November 1996 - Hiding a world of sin: As the doors to the managerial and executive suites opened for women, however, what they proved, more than anything else, is that a woman can be at least as bad as a man.
October 1996 - Never generalize a grudge: What if men begin treating women the way women are treating men?
August 1996 - Confronting every evil: What happens when standing up to bullies becomes "controversial" or is considered wrong?
July 1996 - Watch out for the Cave Man: What will become of a society that is unwilling to set aside the politics of confrontation and treat each and every one with respect?
June 1996 - Crab apples vs. Golden Delicious: Apple-to-Orange comparisons?
May 1996 - The male vote: The time has come for men to support equal legal responsibilities for women to go along with their equal (and in some cases, superior) rights.
April 1996 - The history of white guys in America: Canadian and American men are among the finest, noblest, most caring and responsible people in the world.
March 1996 - An end unto themselves: What's wrong with feminizing the work place?
February 1996 - What we oppose: setting the record straight.
January 1996 - Choosing what is "meant to be": What is the price of passivity?
December 1995 - Of Men and Angels: A fitting allegory for the male condition.
May 1995 - Civilizing Evolution's hangups: "Keep your hangups the hell out of this revolution."
April 1995 - Camille Paglia: When truth offends
March 1995 - The feminist fog: truth defends
February 1995 - Second chances and double standards: Feminists complain of a sexist double standard. But their complaints ring false when they ignore the sexist double standards that harm men.
January 1995 - The "Reasonable Man" standard: In the sexual harassment case of Ellison v Brady, Kerry Ellison scored a feminist victory when she set the precedent for the uniquely female "Reasonable Woman" standard. But there's another side to this case that is often ignored.
December 1994 - Men need to care up close: When divorced fathers tell me about how much it hurts to be shut out of their children's lives, what I hear them saying is that, no less than mothers, they need to care up close.
November 1994 - Feminism for Foxes: Naomi Wolf suffers a credibility gap.