- May 2000

It's time to turn things around

While there's still time

by Bill Wood
Copyright © 2000 by Bill Wood


The Elián González case provides a historic opportunity for Fathers and Families who have been victims of an out of control "Family" Court system to stand up against this hideous enemy.

As a result of the recent activities in the Elián case, and the furor raging in Canada over Child Support and the suicide of Darrin White, we have an opportunity like never before! And this window of opportunity is brief. If we do not seize this moment, quit whining, debating and complaining, and turn to action, then this window in time will be forever gone.

There is momentum, and the public is keenly interested right now.

If we will all work together for a few months, and I mean work, then we can absolutely destroy this corruption with the facts. It's time to openly challenge the twisted anti-family and anti-marriage agendas of the system!

Challenging the system

Here are my suggestions on how we can do this:

  1. Someone, or some group in each and every state should start gathering information on Legislators, news media outlets, and other groups in their states. This should include state specific information like who the state Supreme Court Judges are, who the key legislators are, media outlets, and other Father's groups. The list should have addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses where possible.

  2. Attempt to forge alliances with associated groups like Jail 4 Judges, Family Court Reform, and other affiliated groups who are indirectly involved in the same thing! Involvement with legal reform groups like this gives teeth to the changes. Put a simple link on your web sites for them. The Feminists have aligned themselves with the U.S. Department ">Congress, and the Court system, if we do not start creating an unstoppable groundswell of citizens saying "enough," then we will lose.

  3. Start gathering data from you local papers and TV stations on every story you can find related to the fraud of the system or the corruption of judges, lawyers, and politicians. Start keeping copies of those articles and post them on your web sites. (Many newspapers will even give you permission to reprint them.)

  4. Begin to gather state specific distribution lists. These can be invaluable!

  5. Start gathering state specific legal repositories of cases, statutes, and legislative information about Bills.

  6. Use the resources and the technology that we have to start organizing. Stop whining and start working! If you can't do anything else, you can watch your media stories or search the net for legal decisions, case law, statistics, studies, and watch what NOW and other groups are up to.

  7. Join the NOW E-Group and get the NOW Action Alerts. Start registering under female names or with only your first initial through Yahoo, Hotmail or some other source if necessary. Start finding out what the opposition is up to.

  8. Inundate your local media sources and the politicians with hard facts and specific stories of local people who are being destroyed by all of this. Print fact sheets citing all the DV studies, quotes from NOW, and statistics on Fatherlessness, then hand it out at the Church you attend. Get the word out that the American family is under attack!

  9. Collect information on:
    • CPS - Child Abuse
    • False Allegations - whether Child Abuse or DV
    • Domestic Violence
    • Psychology and what the "profession" really believes
    • Child Support
    • Pop feminist anti-family, anti-culture quotes and activities
    • Statistics and Studies
    • Legal Case Citations and Copies of Pleadings / Forms, and strategies
    • Parental alienation

  10. Start watching the notices on Congressional hearings and be ready for VAWA reauthorization and be ready to write your congressperson when the pop feminists do their "full court" press on the issue.

With these resources in place, and with the alliances, there is nothing we can't do, and it will become infinitely more and more difficult for the frauds to continue in the family court system.

Yahoo maintains an up-to-date list of the email addresses of the members of the US House of Representatives.

What do you think? Talk about it on the Equalitarian Discussion Board.


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