- January 2000

Feminism Unclothed

Perhaps it's time to remind ourselves where
so much of the hate speech comes from.


And they still don't get it?

But the improvement isn't just because women's wages have gone up; it's also because of a drop in men's earnings. Downsizing and closing of manufacturing plants have forced men to take lower-paying jobs.
- Ellen Bravo, 9 to 5, National Association of Working Women, Ms. December 1999/January 2000

But we thought lower paying jobs were due to sexism. If the wage gap is closing because men are forced to take lower-paying jobs, and lower paying jobs are due to sexism, then these men are the victims of sexism. Either that, or the pop feminist economists need to take off their blinders.

Snubbing the party that embraces real equality?

'84, Making the ticket, Democrats nominate a woman as vice president.
- Jennifer Block, Marissa Ferrari, Cynthia Hatten, Autumn Madrano, Jeanann Pannash, and Sheri Whitley, Ms. December 1999/January 2000

Typical. The pop feminists have always snubbed Tonie Nathan, 1972 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential candidate and the first woman ever to receive an electoral vote.

Real gender equality?

The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate of any industrialized nation. Almost one million teenagers become pregnant each year, and 80 percent of these pregnancies are unintended.
- American Association of University Women, 1999

To all outside the U.S. I say, beware! They want to export pop feminism to your country, too. They want to teach your daughters to ignore their parents, forget their grandmothers and become unmarried mothers who watch dirty talk shows all day, sleep around all night, and whine for handouts the rest of the time.

Even when they're winners, they're whiners?

Women earn more than half of the associate's, bachelor's, and master's degrees, but still lag behind men at the doctoral level, earning just 39 percent of doctoral degrees.
- American Association of University Women, 1999

Most college students go to earn a bachelor's degree, a few a master's degree, and fewer still move on to the doctoral level. Hence, women now dominate at the most important levels but they're still victims because they don't dominate at all levels. The pop feminists sound like the spoiled child who wails how unfair life is unless they are the center of attention.

More misandry, less misogyny?

Our mainstream entertainment outlets are working in concert to shill a version of rock that disrespects, ignores, or attacks the autonomy and sexuality of women, and it should be the business of every music fan to speak up about it, whether with our voices or with our money.
- Andi Zeisler, Bitch January 1900

They ignore the misandry of many female rap bands, celebrate the misandry of many (white) female rock stars, then are surprised when males respond in kind? That really makes sense.

Can we have it both ways, please?

One of the most popular genital surgeries is labia minora reduction. When a similar procedure is performed on healthy girls in some African countries as a coming-of-age rite to control their sexuality, Westerners denounce it as genital mutilation; in the U.S. of A., it's called cosmetic enhancement. But both procedures are based on misogynistic notions of female genitalia as ugly, dirty, and shameful.
- Julia Scheeres, Bitch January 1900

When guys read magazines devoted to admiring female genitalia, it's called pornography and is misogynistic, but when women seek out surgery to alter their genitalia to conform to their notion of what they want to look like, it's called...misogynistic? Can we have it both ways, please?

Celebrating vulgarity?

Equality applies to vulgar and "improper" activities, too. I don't know how well a vulgarity revolution would change things, but for my part, I'm willing to start calling men bitches and cunts.
- Karen Baker, Bitch January 1900

With a list of male gender epithets that dwarfs the female gender list, the "liberated" women want to add theirs to ours? When will they learn they always eventually get back every bad thing they give? There's a word for people who never learn.

Equally sexist?

What a man screws up, a woman will do right.
- Sam Quinones, Ms. December 1999/January 2000

Isn't that a sexist generalization?


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