The Backlash! - February 1998

Organization News - Dads Against Discrimination
Phone (503) 222-1111
Mailing Address: PO Box 8525 Portland, OR 97207
Office: 5th Floor, Oregon Pioneer Bldg.
320 SW Stark Street
Portland, OR 97204-2632

Drivers License Revocation demonstration

by Bob Karls

January 16, 1998, 9:00 am to Noon at the King County Courthouse, 516 Third Ave., Seattle. This demonstration is in protest to the new law allowing the suspension and revocation of driver's licenses (as well as any other State issued license). Signs will be available. There is also a hearing in Judge Jarvis' courtroom this same day on a motion for an injunction against enforcement of this new law.

After May, 1940 the anti-Jewish laws came fast and furious. These included the requirements that Jews must wear a yellow star of David, turn in their bicycles, were banned from using the trains, and, among other things, forbidden to drive.

Plythsmograph challenged in Appellate court

On January 30, 1998 oral argument will be heard on a motion to prohibit the use of the plythsmograph in Washington State before the Court of Appeals, Division One, first floor of the One Union Square Bldg. at 600 University, Seattle. This is of great importance for all of you fathers who have been falsely accused of abusing your children and have been forced to submit to this degrading and humiliating procedure. The motion was originally made, and denied, in Superior Court and the Appellate Court accepted review.

"Then we were taken to rooms where we had to undress. That was an enormous shock for me. I was 18, shy, and had been brought up chastely, according to the prevailing morality. It goes without saying that I was embarrassed and ashamed, I remember a audible crack in my head, from being totally naked before the eyes of men. And then the thought came like a flash that, from then on, other norms and values would be in effect, that I would have to adjust to that, and that entirely new life was beginning, or death was waiting." - The Last 7 Months of Anne Frank, by Willy Lindwer, page 121

For more information about these 2 events contact: Del Parker at (206)232-2560.

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