The Backlash! - August 1997

Where there's welfare, there's feminism

Without welfare to provide a "substitute husband" for women, feminists have no means to undermine and dominate men.

by Bruce McGovern
Copyright © 1997 by Bruce McGovern

There is a rule of thumb on finding a place to live. If the country has welfare, stay out. Let me explain.

One of the statements I hear from men and women who don't have a clue about what's happening is, "There will be feminists in Mexico too. They're everywhere! You might as well stay here."

When someone says that, I know they don't have a clue what's going on in this country. Feminists don't just take over a country by being smarter than the men, which we have seen is easy.

No, they can't have power over men unless they first create a Substitute Husband for women. In societies with no welfare system, women know to have a home and babies they need to Get Along With Men. Period. So, mothers teach daughters how to please a man, and keep him coming home with the check.

The minute you create a Substitute Husband, and women don't feel they need a man around, they start screwing around, having babies on purpose, without being married, filing for divorce for frivolous reasons, and encouraging other women to do the same thing.

You see, women aren't stupid. They like men to think so, because it's easy to control men who think women are stupid, helpless, sexually desirable creatures. (That's why the wife-beaters run to defend women.)

Twelve year old girls in welfare nations know they don't need a man around. They can have a baby, and a substitute husband will send them a check and force men to pay taxes and child support. At 12, they already know they are in charge -- in a welfare nation.

Many wives have told their husbands, "If you don't do what I tell you, I'll get a divorce and you'll never see the kids again." How many of you guys have heard that talk?

In nations without welfare, women don't say those things. If a feminist comes to the door, a housewife will say, "There is much truth in what you say. But, if my husband comes home and discovers you here, he's going to toss me out and my kids and I will be sleeping and starving in the street. I need you to leave before he gets home."

Several years ago, I was in the Zocalo of Mexico City, where they usually have the riots, etc. There was a semi-trailer with big signs marked "Lesbianista feminista," and some ugly women trying to talk over loud-speakers. There were a lot of men hooting and making ugly remarks, but no women in sight, except for the lesbians on the trailer.

Women aren't stupid, and they know they do have to accommodate their husband if they want a home and food for their kids. So, mostly, these things simply never become an issue of serious discussion.

A story about my family. Here, women at work sit around swapping "My husband is a bigger S.O.B. than yours" stories. Several years ago my wife was at home drinking coffee with her sister. She'd been in the U.S. for more than 30 years, and had forgotten what it's like in Mexico. So, as they were gossiping, she made some little nasty remark about something I did that made her mad.

Her sister started screaming insults in her face. "You have a lot of nerve, the life you have, all your husband does for you, and you come here, complain to us, the way we are treated." They got so angry they didn't talk for 3 days, and she was only there for 2 weeks.

(My nieces and nephews have all visited us in the U.S. They saw me getting up in the morning, cooking breakfast for their aunt, and doing the dishes. This sort of thing is unheard of in Mexico. And, of course, they went home and reported these strange events about this wonderful uncle who helped cook and clean.)
That's how it is in nations without the substitute husband. Women behave completely differently. Not the behavior of a nasty woman who is facing a man with a gun, but the behavior of a woman who has been raised from birth to know she has to please her husband, or life will be terrible.

My point - before anyone decides to go to any country, find out if they have a welfare system. I know of no country with a welfare system where the women or the divorce courts treat the men much better than in the States.

In Mexico, they have an alternative to the welfare system. It's called the casita, or little house. The big house is where the wife and her kids live, the other woman lives in the casita.

That's what happens to women who are unwed mothers, divorcees or widows. Society accepts it, somewhat, because otherwise they starve. My brother-in-law says every man he knows has a casita.

The little girls know, if they screw up, they are going to be a man's casita, if they're attractive enough to get a man coming around when he wants some, leaving some money if she's nice to him, and leaving no money if she doesn't make it good enough.

My brother-in-law said most women know their husband has the other woman, but pretend not to, because they are afraid they might end up being a casita if they anger their husband. And, it's a lot better to be a wife of a man who has a casita, than to be the casita.

Can you imagine feminists gaining power in those circumstances? That, brothers, is why one goes to certain countries, and not to others, if you don't like being treated like a dog.

Ireland, for example, recently got divorce. If they have welfare, the feminists are working at this very moment to teach women they don't need a man around. Canada, Australia, England, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, France, Russia, any country where women are paid not to have a husband around is not a good place to go, and you won't be treated much better than in the U.S.

American men have paid a blood price of more than a million military deaths to be sure our women didn't have to live in a society that treated them like that. Were they grateful? Will a million more men die in combat to defend the system we have today? I don't think so.

Hey, I can live under Muslim law. I can survive in a land where my wife gets her head chopped off if she commits adultery, rather than having me thrown out and forced to work for her. I can also live in a society where I can have a mistress, and my wife doesn't dare complain. That's not how I treat women, but I can survive it, trust me.

So can every man.

Here is a site where you can find out more about living in Mexico.

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Copyright © 1997 by New Chivalry Press

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