The Backlash! - February 1996

PC Primer

You, too, can be Politically Correct. Here's how.

by Randy Lewis

What is "PC"?

PC stands for Politically Correct. We, of the Politically Correct philosophy, believe in increasing a tolerance for a DIVERSITY of cultures, race, gender, ideology and alternate lifestyles. Political Correctness is the only social and morally acceptable outlook. Anyone who disagrees with this philosophy is bigoted, biased, sexist, homophobic and/or closed-minded.

Why should I be PC?

Being PC is fun. PCism is not just an attitude, it is a way of life! PC offers the satisfaction of knowing that you are undoing the social evils of centuries of oppression.

I am a white male. Can I still be PC?

Possibly, but you have to feel VERY guilty.


If you are a white male, your ancestors were responsible for practically every injustice in the world- slavery, war, genocide and plaid sportscoats. That means that YOU are partially responsible for these atrocities. Now it is time to balance the scales of justice for the descendants of those individuals whose ancestors your ancestors pushed down.

How can I be PC?

It's simple. You've got to be careful what you say, what you think, and what you do. You just don't want to offend anyone, and if you are a white male, feel guilty about everything.

How else can I be PC?

Oh, there are lots of ways. For example, why buy regular ice cream when you can buy "Rain Forest Crunch?" Segrega..oops, separate all of your garbage into different containers: glass, metal, white paper, blue paper, plastic, etc. Make sure that all your make-up has not been tested on animals. Try to find at least sixty ways to use your water; when you take a shower, brush your teeth at the same time. Then don't let the water go down the drain, use it to irrigate your lawn. Or better yet, replace your lawn with a vegetable garden. Don't use aerosol. And by all means, don't burn or deface our flag.

Harrass people who wear fur coats. Remind them that an innocent baby seal was mercilessly clubbed. Or just yell, "FUR." They hate that. And don't EVER eat meat.

Don’t eat meat? Why not?

Cows are animals, just like humans are animals. That means that they have rights. When you eat meat, you're oppressing animals!

How do I know when an animal has rights?

The general rule is, if an animal is rare, pretty, big, cute, furry, huggable, or lovable, then it has rights.

Examine the following chart:
cows cockroaches
cute bunnies flies
dolphins in tuna nets tuna in tuna nets
whales sharks
red squirrels gray squirrels
owls loggers
harbor seals barnacles

Wow! What else can I do to be PC?

Hug a tree. Rejoice each day in our multi-cultural differences. Remember, in diversity is harmony. Get in touch with your sexual identity. Join and attend your local homosexual organization.

I’m not sure about all of this.

Just think of it this way, don't think. If you have to think about it, you are most likely wrong. Instead, it is much more important to know how you FEEL about what you think. Always believe that you are right, no matter what. It's that simple.

How do I know if an action is not PC?

Good question. It's important to know when someone is saying something insensitive so that you can have that person removed from society. The guideline is as follows:

Is the confrontation between two white people?

What should I do if I see someone do something non-PC?

It all depends on the situation. If you are not in a position of authority, by all means report this activity immediately to whomever is in charge. If your school leader, employer, or superior is sensitive to the repressive laws, er, I mean the trends of the 90s -- hate speech, hostile environment, sexual harassment, domestic violence, sexual abuse, recovered memory syndrome, date rape, etc. -- she will take the necessary steps to have the offender disciplined.

But isn’t that censorship?

The Constitution never meant for racism, sexism or insensitivity to be espoused by anyone. That's not what free speech is about. Some call it censorship. PCers call it "selective" speech. Saying something negative about a particular race or gender is just as damaging as, say, punching them in the face. We just can't allow that kind of verbal assault.

I’ve heard a lot about PC words to replace "black," "Indian," etc.

Yes. That's part of the PC movement. You see, part of the way we think about people comes directly from the words we use to describe them. For further information, read George Orwell's book: "1984."

You mean they should rather be judged by the content of their character?

Absolutely not!!! They should be entirely judged by their ancestors. If your great grandparents are from Africa, or Asia, or wherever, then you should be identified by that fact. That way, you can apply for special scholarships, special job opportunities, special job promotions even, perhaps, political office!

I’m a mixture of French, German, English and Russian. Can I get special treatment?

No. White males are always guilty. We are only talking about "select" under-represented minorities. However, if you are a white woman, er, I mean woemyn, then you are okay. Remember, white woemyn are victims of the global mutant albino genetic-recessive patriarchal global minority to oppress all woemyn.

But aren’t woemyn 52 percent of the population?

Technically, woemyn are a majority of the population and therefore could not be considered to be a minority. But remember, we only talking about "select" under- represented minorities, whether they are minorities are not. The important thing is that woemyn can only be victims.

Wouldn’t a white person from Africa technically be an African-American?

Technically, yes. But that's not the kind of African-American we mean. That is, we're REALLY talking about skin color, but we're pretending that we aren't.


Well, the way the system works now, "select" under-represented minorities who tend to do worse on entrance tests to jobs and schools. They need to have lower standards of admissions at school and work, so they need to receive preferential treatment. If you are white, then you have been benefited by society during your life, so it all works out.

I guess that sounds right.

It is right. That's the beauty of PC.

What else do I have to be careful of?

Humor. PC people take EVERY comment VERY seriously. They do not accept any comment, joke, remark, or anything that sounds like it could be a racial slur, unless of course, it is directed towards white males.

Is that all there is to it?

Yes. The Politically Correct belief is essentially a recognition that people are diversely equal. We rejoice in this equality by treating people differently based on their equal individuality. Hop aboard the bandwagon... Be PC. Or you're an intolerant, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic pig.

I’d like my child to be PC. What can I do?

We should forcibly encourage students to re-emphasize non-Western perspectives on history, such as those found in Goals 2000. Remember, dead white males are just as politically incorrect as live white males.

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