The Backlash! - April 1995

Organization News - National Center for Men P.O. Box 555 Old Bethpage, NY 11804 (516) 942-2020

Media update Part 3

by Mel Feit

The Associated Press syndicated an article on battered men focusing on NCM member, Stanley Green. Stanley was quoted, "People don't want to believe that women are capable of violence. It's part of this mythology that women are always the victims and men are always the aggressors."

The AP also quoted us in a story on the YWCA's refusal to allow men on its board of directors.

The Orlando Sentinel. Syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker wrote a story about NCM's reproductive rights project. Her piece appeared in dozens of newspapers around the country.

The Hattiesburg American published a feature about NCM, Are Men Allowed the Same Freedoms as Women? I was quoted: "Unfortunately, men are for the most part still trapped in their traditional role -- full-time provider. Unless that changes, the sexes will never be equal."

USA Today ran a long letter by our Media Watch deputy director, Donald Keyes, on the bias that men face in health care.

The Portland Press Herald published a comprehensive Op-Ed piece by our very own Michael Woodslake.

Reprinted with permission from the newsletter of the National Center for Men

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