The Backlash! - March 1995

Letters to the Editor

Shared parenting

I believe there needs to be a new model divorce agreement, and that once formulated, this model needs to be made available in published form.

The purpose of my writing here is to find out if any divorce agreements, amendments to divorce agreements, or prenuptial agreements, already exist which contain some or all of the following Guiding Principles:

1. The primacy of "higher law," or "natural law," over "civil law," with the seeking of spiritual guidance at the beginning of all meetings or discussions, and the expression of gratitude for such guidance at the end of all meetings or discussions. 2. The primacy of "co-partnership" over any other approach to parenting. 3. Agreement to "do all you have agreed to do." 4. Agreement that we "do not encroach on other persons or their property."

For further discussion, write: Don Mironov, P.O. Box 2389, Bethel, AK, 99559

Pink Piles

Congratulations to Wade Balder on his excellent article, "GenderPink Hemorrhoids" in your December issue.

I too have noticed (as who could avoid it) that the mainstream press is ferociously pro-feminist, as are nearly all of the university administrations in North America, the major T.V. networks, and most governmental bureaucracies.

All of these very obvious facts lead me to the following question: Could it be that the same tactic of divide and conquer has been hit upon by the real power-holders in North America? The giant corporations and owners of unlimited capital, as was used once upon a time in the Deep South with such success: let the poor whites and the poor blacks fight each other, and leave the Southern bourbons in peace?

With all the whining by the radical feminists about "male power," there is nary a word about the power of the millionaire women over their retinue of male servants, is there? Nor of the power of the corporations to exploit both men and women for the benefit of their stockholders. Jan, Nova Scotia

Fair vs. Fear

The Oregon Parole Board wants to keep me longer. On March 29, 1995, I am to go to a hearing to see if I should receive more prison time than the 62 months I'll end up doing. They say I am too dangerous to let out of prison because I refuse to confess to my so-called crime. They can keep me in prison forever until I do "confess" to something I did not do.

I am trying to gather support from Men's rights supporters. If the Oregon Parole Board thinks that no one knows or cares that I'm here, they will screw me even more. This is really serious. These nazis want to keep me in prison forever, and I hurt no one!

But if the Parole Board hears from others -- particularly men in Oregon -- it might help. Jim Anderson, OR

Editor's note: For more information, write to: James Anderson, #6952487, Oregon State Correctional Institution, 3405 Deer Park Dr. SE, Salem, OR 97301-9385. Or write to the governor: Honorable John Kitzhaber, Governor of Oregon, State Capitol, Salem, OR, 97310.

Savage radio

I was on the Michael Savage show on Wednesday 2/8/95 for 45 minutes talking about false allegations of abuse. As far as I can tell, the response was extremely favorable (even though the host didn't say where I was from, I got a bunch of phone calls).

If you heard the show (and even if you didn't), please write or call KSFO/Michael Savage (415) 398-5600 and tell them you'd like to have me back on (he seemed very interested in doing so and I'm proposing doing some shows on battered men and other issues): KSFO Radio (560 AM), 900 Front St., San Francisco CA 94111; (415) 808-5600 live; (415) 362-5827 fax. Armin Brott, CA

P. Standinup prevails?

The Backlash will have to turn my name and address over to the fems at NOW also, because I agree wholeheartedly with the views expressed by Mr. Standinup in his letter (The Backlash, January 1995).

Just because women are no longer the property of their husbands and fathers does not mean their fundamental characteristics have changed. Women are, and have always been, chattel. Their owners are, and have always been, men. (Not men in general, but rather men in particular.)

Today's American woman is the property of the judicial class men, who use them as "bait" in a modern form of piracy directed against middle and lower class males. The result is an entire class of males who will spend their entire lives in virtual slavery. Even the male children will not escape the bonds of servitude because excuses are found to justify the removal of these young children from the presence of their natural fathers and place them under the tutelage of a pro-government female or a pseudo-man.

In the United States today a male agreeing to marriage has committed the act of a fool, and in fathering a child he has committed the act of a criminal. Barry, PA

Maybe not

In response to the letter from P. Standinup, it's guys like him who qualify as a dead-beat dad in the making.

It sounds like he's got a good thing going for himself, and it's part of his image to put down guys who confront the issues in a responsible way. If there's any truth to the picture he's painting, then he's probably getting laid left and right - or hoping that he will be, by talking this way. But when he finally does get some woman pregnant, then he's going to be another who gets us all called "dead-beat dads".

I'd love to see these clowns say, "Oprah shut up while I'm talking" - they never do. They never have any intelligent opinions formed anyway. But then, this letter was so cliched, and the name "P. Standinup", was so obviously an anonymous for "P"rick/enis "Standing up", that it was probably a phony letter from some feminist who is, as usual, trying to keep men divided between male chauvinism and equal rights.

Ted, NY

Dark continent

Greetings from the southern tip of the dark continent.

I am vice-president of the South African Association for Men [SAAM]. I came across a reference to The Backlash on the net and wondered if you could send me a copy of it. In return I will send you a copy of our own newsletter - 'The Monthly Male'. Kierin, SA

Bending over

It's no secret that the media is bending over backwards to be "politically correct." To we combat vets, the most glaring examples are references to the armed forces. What the media once referred to as "service men" is now "men and women in uniform." Even more insulting are references to "men and women giving their lives to the country."

The only American women I saw in Korea were those with the Bob Hope group who came to entertain us in a safe, rear area, far from hostilities, and while there may have been female nurses in the rear and aboard hospital ships, the only medical personnel serving us as Marines were hospital corpsmen.

Could it be that, in trying to emasculate America, feminists are pressuring the media and the powers that be to downplay male heroism as being antithetical to modern, independent, liberated womanhood? Is it possible that their real agenda is to erase all references to and remembrances of those men who lost a bucket of blood, a pound of flesh, and perhaps a bit of their soul in America's wars?

While it is no secret that women have served honorably in the armed forces, and should be recognized accordingly, it is a fact that they are not intended to be put in harm's way. Women in the service have suffered very little compared to the combat troops. Out of all the names on the Viet Nam memorial, only eight were women who were probably in the wrong place at the wrong time.

It's a matter of record -- of percentages -- and of perspective, and I think it is safe to say that a woman who desires a combat role is not a woman!

A wise old philosopher (who got away before I could take his name) said, "The only critics of the heroes among us are the cowards among us." What better way to describe militant feminists -- those macho -- women who would gladly smear and belittle America's fighting men, while taking full advantage of the freedoms these men fought and died for, while the feminists were watching their soaps on TV -- safely -- at home.

Earl, WA

Political correctness

I heard you speak on NPR and was impressed by your work. Working in social work, a predominately female occupation, it is one of the rare situations where a white male is in the minority. It is often clear how socially acceptable male-bashing is and how even the slightest comment toward women can illicit the strongest reaction.

Thanks for your commitment to the well-being of men and our continuing concerns.

Richard, WA


I have recently teamed up with Bob Sides of Brookline to form the Massachusetts Men's Political Caucus. I really enjoy your publication.

Please list us in your directory.

I look forward to working with you in 1995 and beyond.

Tony Zizza, MA

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