The Backlash! - February 1995

Organization News - National Center for Men P.O. Box 555 Old Bethpage, NY 11804 (516) 942-2020

Media update Part 1

Radio daze

by Mel Feit

If it's 9:00, it must be Providence. I sat in the Manhattan studio of the Westwood One Radio network as my voice was beamed via satellite to morning talk shows all around the country. At 8:30 AM I was in Burlington, VT, then on to Cleveland, Denver, Providence, San Francisco, Albuquerque, Atlanta... By the time I got to Memphis at 10:30, I had guested nonstop on a dozen shows in just over two hours.

I guess it was in Providence when I first noticed that I couldn't remember what I had said on what shows! I struggled not to repeat myself in any one interview as I covered a lot of ground, from domestic violence to male homelessness to feminist control of the press.

The Westwood One program director had warned me that morning radio was wild and zany and then she was as surprised as I when most of the hosts showed me a great deal of respect. The animals in the morning zoos were tamed by the man from NCM.

The national tour

When I left the Westwood One studio, I had no idea what had been set in motion.

Apparently, news of my twelve city, men's rights blitzkrieg spread rapidly and requests for interviews came in faster than we could fill them. We wound up doing three or four interviews every week, mostly about men's reproductive choice.

Here are some highlights:

In Albany, NY, two women from Planned Parenthood agreed to be my opposition but only if they didn't have to debate me.

We agreed on the following format: 9:00 to 10:00 ... Mel Feit; 10:00 to 11:00 ... feminists; 11:00 ... Mel's rebuttal.

At 9:55 AM I said, on the air, "The women from Planned Parenthood are intellectual cowards; they are afraid to debate because they know they will lose." The gambit worked... The feminists were shamed into debate, but eventually the station management pulled the plug on a contest that had become so one-sided that even I was embarrassed for my opponents.

What a naughty boy I am.

In Lansing, MI, the male host was unusually supportive. When the interview was over, he came on the line to tell me privately that he had just been forced into fatherhood.

In Huntsville, AL, some female callers who were unable to successfully challenge me with ideas, made what they must have felt was the ultimate personal attack. They called me a "Yankee."

In Los Angeles, a female cohost argued with me, then expected her male colleague to back her up. He didn't. He was on my side. The times, they are a changin'.

The male hosts aren't the only ones on our side. Most of the male callers are, too. I want to report to you that men are expressing their anger like never before. Eventually the changes that are occurring at the grassroots will affect the highest levels of our society. It will take years, but it will happen. Hang in there.

Reprinted with permission from the newsletter of the National Center for Men

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