The Backlash!
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September 1998 - An untimely obsession
February 1998 - Without blame: making time enough for love.
January 1998 - Is it time to embrace men as equals?
November 1997 - Do women need men?
October 1997 - What do women and men want?
September 1997 - The day the fairy tale died
July 1997 - Silence is the problem
January 1997 - Reluctant Revolutionaries
November 1996 - Hiding a world of sin
October 1996 - Never generalize a grudge
August 1996 - Confronting every evil
July 1996 - Watch out for the Cave Man
June 1996 - Crab apples vs. Golden Delicious
May 1996 - The male vote: Vote Male
April 1996 - The history of white guys in America
March 1996 - An end unto themselves
February 1996 - For the record: what we oppose
January 1996 - Choosing what is "meant to be"
December 1995 - Of Men and Angels
May 1995 - Civilizing Evolution's hangups
April 1995 - Camille Paglia: When truth offends
March 1995 - The feminist fog: truth defends
February 1995 - Second chances and double standards
January 1995 - The "Reasonable Man" standard
December 1994 - Men need to care up close
November 1994 - Feminism for Foxes? Naomi Wolf suffers a credibility gap.

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