December 2004 ‑ The worst of the Republicans is pretty good compared to the worst of the Democrats
November 2004 ‑ Democrats lost a lot, and a lot of liberals are wallowing in the loss
October 2004 ‑ Kerry offers to buy Indian country
September 2004 ‑ Bush sets a high standard.
August 2004 ‑ A whiner, or a winner?
July 2004 ‑ Intolerant Right, Spicy Left? Speaking of the double standard of the "tolerant" left
June 2004 ‑ Is Iraq's interim government only cosmetic? Patrick Cockburn says the war in Iraq has failed, and the transition is a sham.
May 2004 ‑ The consequences of negative expectations
April 2004 ‑ Kerry blew it, Democrats know it, Edwards is too weak, so will they draft Hillary for 2004?