The Backlash! - Things that make you go, "hmmm" - February 2015
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Things that make you go, "Hmmm"
By Rod Van Mechelen, November 2014 - Olympia, WA
In this column I pose questions and raise issues. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item, provoke thinking or give you ideas for how to respond to things. Think of them as "sound bite arguments."

  • Don't bank on progressivism.
  • The fact that Milo Yiannopoulos is unaware of the MRM tells us just how far we have left to go.
  • Feminists are incoherent and inconsistent and vulgar and loud because that's the only way they can drown out the truth.
  • Is Twitter oppressing women by banning Janet Bloomfield?
  • Every human on earth is descended from both slaves and slave owners.
  • If the progressive neocons impose Jeb Bush on us in 2016, as they did Mitt Romney in 2012, then they must want Hillary to win.
  • Until I get rich beyond my wildest dreams of avarice I must make do as a privileged American Indian member of the patriarchal hegemony.
  • In our "patriarchy" women who make outrageous lies are praised while men are pilloried and their responses ignored.
  • Americans are more concerned about female genital mutilation in Africa than male infant genital mutilation in the US.
  • The more extreme feminist propaganda becomes, the easier it will be to expose feminism as a hate movement.
  • Power: Feminists control the legislative agenda at most levels of government. Anti-feminists speak truth to power.
  • Power: Feminists control most of the mainstream media. Anti-feminists speak truth to power.
  • Power: Feminists control most of the victim memes. Anti-feminists speak truth to power.
  • Blurring definitions is the first step in making a word meaningless for nefarious purposes.
  • In film full male frontal nudity is the equivalent of showing a woman's breasts, but in the feminist view there is no male equivalent for full female frontal nudity.
  • Who's the better leader for his country: Obama, who puts the interests of the USA last, or Putin, who puts Russia first?
  • As all empires are predatory, in what ways do Austrian Economic principles fail to predict the economic outcomes of empires?
  • Violence, censorship and oppression are the progressive response to disagreement and failure to appreciate.
  • American taxpayers are on the hook for trillions of dollars to cover bank derivative markets.
  • Feminists are intentionally incoherent.
  • Never debate a feminist in private, you might be accused of a crime.
  • Debate feminists in public to persuade your audience.
  • Are feminists who engage in slut shaming and body shaming sexist?
  • Why do corporations expect their customers to immerse themselves in corporate websites and programs?
  • Cultural Marxism is one of several weapons the global elite deploy against the middle class to reduce the population and secure their positions.
  • The US jobs statistics reflect an increase in part time jobs and a decrease in full time jobs.
  • Is Saudi Arabia trying to drive US oil fracking companies out of business?
  • The US economy is teetering on the brink of deflation and collapse, followed by inflation and war.
  • The 1% who earned their wealth in the free market deserve it, while those who get theirs through government cronyism do not.
  • Crony capitalists steal their wealth through government fiat.
  • If enough people stop flying in protest for being groped and molested by government goons, will the TSA go away?
  • Will the next US recession begin in September 2015, as Martin A. Armstrong believes?
  • Will World War III be over by 2019?
  • While the mainstream media news and entertainment churn out propaganda, real journalists around the world and in the US are under attack.
  • For nigh on 70 years conspiracy theorists have claimed a Rothschild-Rockefeller cabal dominates global politics; are they nuts, or is there something to it?
  • If the Democratic Party in the US has become communist, what is the Republican Party?
  • Is a global totalitarian government the goal of what Lord Christopher Monckton calls the Climate Communists?
  • Of all the possible Republican candidates for president in 2016, Democrats fear Rand Paul the most.
  • In the US, home ownership is at a 20 year low, a record number are on food stamps, and the US economy is in recovery?
  • Most Americans have been conditioned to care more about the Superbowl and Kim Kardashian's butt than the impending world war.
  • The Federal Reserve is not a branch of government but a private corporation that works for the big banks. We no longer live in a capitalist society but something Gerald Celente calls "bankerism." It's time to End the Fed and put an end to bankerism.
  • The first full week of January, Charles Evans, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago said that the US economy was not doing well and interest rates would not rise at least until 2016. Hearing this news people bought stocks causing prices to rise. The following week, however, Dennis Lockhart, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta said that the US economy is in recovery and interest rates would start to increase by June. Hearing this news, people dumped their stocks, causing prices to fall. The banksters profit from both announcements while the small investors took a haircut. Was that on purpose?


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