Things that make you go, "Hmmm"
By Rod Van Mechelen, September 2014 - Olympia, WA
In this column I pose questions and raise issues. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item, provoke thinking or give you ideas for how to respond to things. Think of them as "sound bite arguments."
Like feminism, hate feeds upon itself.
For standing up to feminism I have been reviled and jobless, so imagine how impressed I am by anonymous trollers insulting teen age girls.
Rape culture views the male anatomy as destiny, biology as blasphemy, gender as a political construct and sex as a weapon.
Most of the fields of study in which American college women major contribute little to society and nothing to survival.
Feminists claim patriarchy says men are base and it's feminism that says men can be more; okay, when did chivalry become a feminist thing?
Hate: It's what feminists do.
If you're anonymous then you're a troll, and if you're insulting feminists then you're probably a feminist troll pretending to be an MRA.
The Obamacare disaster will set the stage for the GOP to take the White House in 2016, but will they want to?
Is the US turning from a classless society into a no-class society?
The feminist arsenal includes turning men's virtues into vices, and vices into high crimes.
Since most feminists are too dim to be scientists, to gain parity will they demand government allot credit for men's breakthroughs to them?
Can feminist political mandates conjure genius among feminists?
Do commercials and sitcoms lampoon men more often than women because men are less narcissistic and therefore less prone to take offense?
Can men be feminists? If men can be bigots, then they can be feminists.
Do feminists loudly accuse others of blaming the victim to distract us from the fact that they routinely blame victims?
It should be obvious by now that feminist bloggers routinely lie about men as a matter of policy in their war on liberty.
Is First Lady Michelle Obama a bossy bigot?
Oppose the progressive liberal war on freedom.
Progressive liberals wage a war of political feints and ideological jabs to destroy the American middle class.
No politician runs on a platform of dissipating the future of you and your children so why is that what we get?
Cultural Marxists, like feminists, attack individuals to avoid arguing the facts.
Feminist programs cannot continue without taxing men, and that's a political issue.
American conservatives are more liberal than American liberals.
What progressive programs attack individual freedom and liberty?
Prices of necessities are going up despite the deflationary pressure of the depression.
Cultural Marxism employs the primitive view of time as chaotic to destroy the connective tissue of society.
Nature is cyclic, biology and physics follow cyclic patterns, technology allows us to pretend we are linear.
Feminism: Any man who defends himself from an abusive, violent woman is guilty of abuse.
Feminist hypocrisy: Men cannot be sexually harassed because "they want it."
Feminist hypocrisy: Men cannot be raped because "they want it."
Feminists blame male victims and excuse female predators.
Feminism is the expression of gender identity narcissism.
Arguments based on violence make for good box office but simple minded politics that neither save lives nor free slaves, but create slaves and destroy lives.
With global bankruptcy looming instead of adding agencies for men why not shut down the parasitic agencies for feminists?
One in five feminists are not psychopaths. Be one in five.
One in five feminists are not rapists. Be one in five.
One in five feminists are not thugs. Be one in five.
One in five feminists are not child abusers. Be one in five.
One in five feminists are not imbeciles. Be one in five.
One in five feminists might not be a misandrist. Be one in five.
One in five feminists are not really a feminist. Be one in five.
One in five feminists might really be a libertarian. Be one in five.
Political and social institutions may seem permanent and stable, but they only seem that way.
Public education eliminates words from the common vocabulary to prevent talk that mounts resistance to our gradual subjugation.
Totalitarian governments depend more than anything else on enslaving men.
Trying to argue with progressive prattle is like talking to a smart mouthed kid: lots of snide retorts, little substance, no point.
Progressives mangle the language and expropriate the words to silence the opposition.
Liberal: pro-liberty; Conservative: pro-prudence; Progressive: on the left welfare-warfare socialist, on the right welfare-warfare neocon.
Are MRAs who dismiss WomenAgainstFeminism for being traditionalists progressives who oppose freedom of choice?