The Backlash! - Things that make you go, "hmmm" - August 2014
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Things that make you go, "Hmmm"
By Rod Van Mechelen, August 2014 - Olympia, WA
In this column I pose questions and raise issues. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item, provoke thinking or give you ideas for how to respond to things. Think of them as "sound bite arguments."

  • Feminists want us to confuse "women being strong" with feminism, but they are poles apart.
  • Hate begets hate, and feminism has become hate.
  • Men are more than women to be control freaks because most women expect men to make things all right, and you can't do that if you're not in control.
  • First progressives expropriated the liberal label, then via neocons the conservative label, but they are all still progressives.
  • Feminism as demonstrated by its most prominent leaders is fundamentally opposed to the concept of "power to the people."
  • Feminism is an STD that infects the most intimate mind with spores of hate to spawn hoards of brain eating zombies.
  • You're an inmate in a totalitarian insane asylum so pretend you agree with the authoritarian thugs while you learn to be free.
  • Your feminist ideas are fine as long as you keep your totalitarian laws to yourself and let me be.
  • Do progressive socialist men support feminist man hate because they project their own misogyny onto the rest of us?
  • 20 years on Rawanda remains mired in war with the DRC that the US ignores.
  • Starve the parasitic military-industrial complex and get the US out of the war business.
  • Nobody cared that Qwest CEO Joe Nacchio raided the US West pension fund and had fired any sales rep who refused to cram customer accounts.
  • Progressives are the primary source of political violence.
  • Is the reason so few Americans are passionate about the Edward Snowden revelations because so many are living on the edge of poverty?
  • Robert Anton Wilson proposed the term "androphobe" to describe feminists; what other phobias can we use to counter the cultural Marxists?
  • As the cultural Marxists are now the "masters," is it time to adopt their tactics and use their tools against them?
  • The Nazis abused Jews as a whipping boy to unify support; the feminists abuse men to a similar purpose.
  • Marxists prey on prosperity.
  • Feminists want to #FreeTheNipple but arrest any man caught looking because hate--not equality--is their agenda.
  • If misandrists want to indulge in an orgy of androphobia that's their business but it became our business when they made it political.
  • Under the banner of "the personal is political" feminists have destroyed millions of families.
  • If most violent impulses begin in childhood and women dominate children then most aggression originates with...#YesAllWomen?
  • Feminism is a Marxist weapon to deconstruct western civilization by destroying the family through the promulgation of misandry.
  • Mass movements feed on outrage.
  • Above all feminists hate anti-feminists who have read and digested far more feminist dogma and propaganda than they have.
  • The only "equality" that feminism demands is of the "some pigs are more equal than others" variety.
  • Only perverts and feminist bigots think that male interest in women is unhealthy and should be condemned.
  • Imagine a nursery where girls are sustained by systems that comfort but do not mentor: as adults would they be combative or cooperative?
  • The Bureau of Indian Affairs has spent millions of taxpayer money to promote crime on the Quinault Indian Reservation.
  • Polarization and distraction are the main goals of politics today.
  • There is a "rape culture," it is a weapon aimed at men, feminism is the source, cultural Marxism the cause.
  • Only a totalitarian thug would claim that NOT requiring somebody else to pay for women's birth control oppresses feminists.
  • Feminists use sexist behavior in nations like Egypt to "prove" women in the west are oppressed.
  • Exposing misandrist comedy in media lets us laugh at feminist rage about misogynist comedy: to laugh is to let go of pain.
  • The majority of elected officials are men because women, as the majority of voters, elect them.
  • Laws largely advantage women because, contrary to what feminists claim, most male politicians represent women's interests.
  • Is the United States today what the British Empire was 240 years ago?
  • Progressives on the left condemn unvarnished truth as hatge speech; on the right, as proof of insanity.
  • For better or worse, very big changes are coming.
  • Progressives take politics personally.
  • Feminists respond to the slightest disagrement with accusations of bullying and intimidation.
  • Mark Levin argues that had the US known Japan was going to attack Pearl Harbor a pre-emptive strike would have been okay; but FDR did know because he goaded them into it.
  • Do feminists measure their progress in terms of rights for women or wrongs for men?
  • When women get naked in Playboy that's sexist, but when women march naked through the streets protesting men, that's feminism?
  • Feminists don't get it: their attitude is that men should be happy to support children regardless of whether they are the father.
  • Feminism: Take responsibility for nothing, demand credit for everything and blame men for feminism's failures.
  • The difference between a feminist marriage and a libertarian marriage is that in a libertarian marriage the woman is treated like an adult.
  • The feminist rules for dating look a lot like the patriarchal rules for dating.
  • We are getting closer to the time when all illusions will be stripped away and everybody will see that the three branches of government do not serve the people.
  • Twenty percent of air fare goes to taxes, 0.1% to profits.
  • Feminists are among the most condescending members of the "patriarchy."
  • Media pundits who spout nonsense are more likely "agents of chaos" than stupid.
  • In the feminist view reality and sex oppress feminists.
  • Feminists have trained so many women to be hostile toward men that for a woman to be not-mean is now easily mistaken for a sexual overture.
  • Correcting D3-insufficiency reduces the risk of breast cancer by 30% to 50% and 7,000 IU per day of high quality D3 is cheap!
  • Sensitivity training isn't about sensitivity, but about censorship and silencing.
  • Nobody likes to be contradicted, but thugs--like feminists and other progressives--react with oppressive force.
  • Time was people thought I would lead the fight against feminism, but building something good and of substance, not fighting fools, is the legacy I want.
  • Rape Shield Laws must not cover histories of false accusations.
  • What do you see reflected in the mirror hidden behind the veil of the artificial self?
  • Feudalism was the norm, liberty was the exception, America was the place, but feudalism is rising.
  • As the global economy deteriorates the dollar may surge as people see it as a safe haven, but then the dollar, too, will fail.
  • A Mad Max scenario assumes that in the absence of a strong central government civil society will break down.
  • No man need feel shame for being a man, nor should we.
  • What made the "Dark Ages" dark?
  • Americans are waking up to the horrifying realization that Obamacare is a massive tax on the working class.
  • Multiculturalism: big in the US, not so much in Israel.
  • ZIRP encourages executives to support their stock with buy back programs rather than actually growing their business.
  • Women and men experience different things as sexist, something that the feminists' sexist portrayals of "if men were women" ignore.
  • Feminists want literature and games with a feminist slant and nobody opposes that, but feminists oppose what men want, so who's the bigot?
  • Physically, Europe may have invaded America, but genetically the American aborigines invaded the European blood lines. When determined by the same kind of criteria that are applied to African Americans, there could be between 60 million and 100 million American Indians in the US today.
  • Reconquista assumes that Mexico stole Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada and Texas from the Indian tribes fair and square.
  • I don't know who's right in the Hamas-Israel-Palestine conflict, only that it's none of the United States' business.
  • Progressives on both the left and the right are infected by Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.
  • Feminists and progressive MRAs are like Nazis and Communists fighting over ideological supremacy.


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