In this column I pose questions and raise issues. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item, provoke thinking or give you ideas for how to respond to things. Think of them as "sound bite arguments."
Is A-Mark Precious Metals the trading partner of the US Mint's silver hedging operation?
You can't talk about Men's Rights without talking about Feminism, because without Feminism there is no "Men's Rights" per se, only Human Rights.
Only feminists think that biology is sexist, and feminists are deluded so why does anybody care what they think?
Miley Cyrus' performance at the MTV VMA resembled nothing more than the behavior of seventh grade boys clowning around in the locker room and reflected the degree to which feminism has colluded with the corporatists to debase our culture.
How long before only patented corporate food products will be legal in the "land of the free"?
George W. Bush's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq opened Americans' eyes and now there is too much open opposition fomented in no small part by the Liberty Movement for President Obama to strike in Syria without congressional approval.
Liberty respects the freedom of both outliers and the majority to choose their own paths and partners without interference from the state.
Ugly is as ugly does.
The end of men rests entirely on the ascent of the state; take that away and feminism will fall into the abyss of good ideas gone bad.
It's ironic that those who speak out in defense of women's health are now attacked by feminists defending corporate interests.
It's indicative of the nature of mass movements that feminism devolved from being about women's rights to being primarily concerned with men's wrongs to, now, defending corporate interests. Eric Hoffer was right.
To prevent the backlash against feminism from turning into a backlash against women required neutralizing the feminist hate movement, and that's what we attempted to do; we failed, and now the backlash is gathering momentum. People who understand mass movements will recognize this for what it is, and take no part in it. For the rest, they will become the very thing they set out to oppose.
Before the rise of the Soviet Union, Russian citizens did not believe their assets would be seized by their government.
Desensualizing women's bodies would work more to men's advantage than women's.
PRISM is illegal; therefore, under the Whistleblower Act Edward Snowden is a Whistleblower, not a leaker, and the NSA is the law breaker.
Violence Against Women is a Men's Issue when Violence Against Men is a Women's Issue.
Like the Sceneca Falls Convention of 1848 and so many other milestones in feminist history, Femen depends on a man.
By stereotyping men as irresponsible and sexist, feminists deprive boys of healthy masculine role models, and that is precisely what they want to do.
Feminism advanced because progressives on both the left and the right wanted it to.
MRAs who align with progressives will prevent nothing but hasten the loss of our freedom and liberty.
The Men's Rights Movement will follow the same evolution that the Feminist Movement is following as outlined by Eric Hoffer in his book, The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements
. Indeed, it is already happening. Some say this is okay, that we should "cut the guys some slack" for the iniquities they have suffered under feminist policies. Personally, I have endured great losses and hardships directly attributable to feminist bigotry, or misandry, and I understand the desire to "get even." So why not? Because then we would be no better than the feminist bigots.
Feminists call criticism "hate speech."
The "Blurred Lines" video was goofy; the "Defined Lines" video, on the other hand, was...I dunno, I didn't watch it. Do feminists actually think men who are not manginas care?
Why do Zionist organizations smear people who do not support US welfare for Israel as "Antisemitic"? They're like feminists who call men misogynists for opposing feminism.
Ten out of ten hate mongers agree: disagreement equals hate.
It sounds like the American Jewish Committee is as closed minded and hateful as the Fatima Center; they must be made for each other.
Holocaust deniers are idiots, and people who hate holocaust deniers are intolerant boobs; which is worse?
Is Obamacare the first step to nationalize healthcare and convert the American medical industry to a single-payer system?
If feminists get their way, Janet Yellen will be blamed for destroying the dollar.
Progressives are on both the left and the right. On one end of the spectrum is liberty, with some on the left (classical liberals) and some on the right (tea party conservatives); on the opposite end, the big-government, totalitarian, progressive end, you still have the left (modern liberals) and the right (neocons). Al Gore is a modern liberal, George W. Bush is a neocon, and both are progressives.
To the feminist hatemongers, anything to do with male sexuality is inherently sexist and misogynistic.
Traditional gender roles are traditional because they work.
Progressive leftists decry American jobs going overseas but welcome illegal immigrants to America with the full benefits of citizenship.
Progressive rightists welcome American jobs going overseas but decry the problems posed by illegal immigration.
Many illegal immigrants flee to America from repressive regimes propped up or put into power by the CIA. Example: the 1973–90 military dictatorship in Chile of General Augusto Pinochet.
Without shame as a non-coercive means to maintain order in a free society there is only the heavy hand of the law in a totalitarian state.
Employment should be about productivity, but Human Resoruce Management has long been dominated by feminists, who discriminate against autistic personalities and masculine behavior.
The fight between progressive leftists (welfare) and progressive rightists (warfare) over who controls America is a side show to keep everybody distracted.
Aaron Sorkin was interesting when he did Studio 60. His characters were multifaceted and likable, and he ignored progressives while portraying liberals and conservatives as real people. With The Newsroom, sadly he has stooped to thin caricatures and shallow stereotypes to promote the agenda that is behind both leftist and rightist progressive policies. He has sold out to the political establishment to become the worst kind of propagandist.
The last time a feminist told me that men want just one thing, I replied, "A six pack and the remote?"
In Shere Hites 1989 book, Women and Love, which would have been more aptly titled Women and Hate, among the claims made by Hite's female respondents was that women make better housekeepers than men. The reason given was that, "women see the dust." This "women see the dust" statement was turned into a feminist trope for female superiority. But as with so many other feminist tropes, once they were accepted by the mainstream feminists turned around and claimed they were sexist slurs against women.
The low prices at Walmart are subsidized by taxpayers in the form of Medicaid and Food Stamps for their employees.
I grew up in a household in which we accepted the equality of women to men as a self-evident truth, and to this day I believe in that equality, but precisely because of that I have been excoriated in the press and condemned by feminists as a rape apologist and misogynist.
Modern feminism is dedicated not to advancing women's rights but to increasing men's wrongs.
"A bear market is a sale." - Rick Rule
The term "mansplaining" is sexist and on par with slut shaming and creep shaming to dismiss anything a man (or woman who disagrees with feminist orthodoxy) says without having to engage in critical analysis.
Years ago linguist Deborah Tannen delineated how women and men generally employ different styles of communication. What bigots refer to as "mansplaining" is nothing more than a sexist denunciation of the male-style of communication that most men employ when talking to...just about everybody. The only time it should be used is to denounce it for the sexist phrase that it is.
Western men are subjected to a barrage of sexism but unlike feminists most men respond with humor.
Feminists have yet to explain to me how, as a working class American Indian (Cowlitz Indian Tribe) man, I am privileged above middle class and upper middle class White feminist women.
As long as people like Speaker John Boehner run the Republican Party the GOP will remain in a death spiral.
Speaker John Boehner lost all credibility when he was twice video recorded lying at the 2012 GOP National Convention.
Atheists argue that religion is responsible for killing more people than anything else. Statistically, it seems evident that atheist socialism has killed far more people than any religion.
Proponents of the anthropocentric global warming point of view claim that extremely cold weather will be caused by global warming, too, so whether the climate gets hotter or colder it's all due to human activity and we need totalitarian regimes to strip us of our freedom and liberty and impose big government programs to prevent global warming no matter what. Uh-huh. I'm not smart enough to know who is right, but I am smart enough to know that freedom and liberty are better than a totalitarian state.
Entrepreneurs are working to bring to market technologies that will do far more than any government programs to mitigate, offset and stop anything humans are currently doing that might be contributing to or causing global warming.