In this column I pose questions and raise issues. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item, provoke thinking or give you ideas for how to respond to things. Think of them as "sound bite arguments."
How many of the "men" threatening rape and assault online are actually feminist trolls?
The biggest threat to the feminist hate movement comes not from the right-wing establishment, but from the liberty movement, which champions equal rights and liberty for all.
Feminists describe feminism in very acceptable terms, but their actions expose an agenda of hate.
When the feminists who are threatening to boycott Twitter realize the rest of us don't care, they'll stop the boycott.
Feminism started with a good idea but then followed the evolution typical of mass movements, as described in Eric Hoffer's book, The True Believer, to become a hate movement, turning men into objects of hate. As Hoffer wrote, "Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a God, but never without belief in a devil." This, more than any other, is the reason why so many people today eschew the feminist label. How are men made objects of hate? With stereotypes, like the one that says one in four women are victims of sexual assault or rape during their lives. Meanwhile, more and more stories emerge of boys being raped by their female teachers. Or the lie that men are the primary perpetrators of domestic violence; this, despite that for decades research has shown that most people are not involved in DV, but when they are, women are equally likely to offend. Feminism began with a good idea but then it devolved into hate.
On the Internet nobody knows if you're a feminist troll pretending to be a violent man.
True Believers took over the feminist movement, and turned it into a hate movement; are true believers now taking over the men's rights movement, too?
The primary means by which progressives on both the left and the right, and especially feminists, try to "persuade" is by talking over and shouting down those with whom they disagree. This is not persuasion but bullying.
Prohibiting sexist comments (i.e., things feminists don't want men to say) is censorship; what's good for the gander is good for the goose, and if we censor men, then over feminist objections women will eventually be censored, too.
People who favor censorship of public forums to prohibit criticism they don't want to read or hear suffer from weak egos and narcissistic personalities.
Feminist shaming of men for having sexual interest in women is both sick and sexist.
Feminist shaming of men for enjoying sexually provocative portrayals of women, whether in gaming or other venues, is both sick and sexist.
Disagreement is only perceived as a backlash by those in power.
There is no backlash against women on the web, but there very definitely is a backlash against feminist sexism.
It's not sexist to default to your own gender in writing and in speech.
Sexist jokes have consequences...unless you're a feminist and the joke is on men.
While feminists were stereotyping men as evil monsters and fathers as a waste of space, men weren't just disappearing. Disposed dads write stories and produce shows for popular series, a growing number of which now include men's rights issues among the background details. The backlash against feminism is growing.
What will feminists do when the economy collapses and the money funding all the government programs upon which they depend evaporates?
In the feminist view, freedom of speech is a right reserved for feminists only.
Despite that the GOP will suffer more losses without Liberty Republicans, the Republican mainstream is striving to alienate them.
I make my own meals, do my own laundry, clean my apartment, do my own shopping, have no problem whatsoever supporting women who are qualified and capable, and yet I am called a misogynist because I refute lies such as that we live in a rape culture or that most DV is committed by men. DV is almost equally distributed between women and men. This is a statistical fact. And yes, false accusations of rape are far more common than actual rape. This, too, is a fact. Yet most feminists generally respond to such facts by excoriating the messenger. Why? Because following the description outlined by Eric Hoffer in The True Believer, feminism morphed into a hate movement.
One of the things I hate hearing women say is that it is sexist for heterosexual men to feel and express a healthy interest in women. Women who say that are sexist and probably hypocritical.
During his August 26, 2013, broadcast Sean Hannity said that there is a libertarian part of him that wants to close our borders; Hannity lied, libertarians want to bring our troops home, open our borders, bar illegal aliens from receiving welfare, and replace crony capitalism with a free market.
Twenty years ago we had another term for "fat shaming": tough love.
Want to lose the lard? Go Paleo.
It's okay for men to be attracted to women's bodies, so shouldn't it be okay for women to be attracted to men's money?
With the backlash against Cathy Young's mild criticism of A Voice for Men, it appears that a purity test has finally come to the Men's Rights Movement, and even the bona fides of the preeminent Men's Rights Scholar Warren Farrell are being called into question.
When a mass movement is taken over by victims it requires victimizers to blame, and will manufacture them if necessary.
The law should be androgynous.
Progressive Liberals often criticize inheritance for anybody as unearned and undeserved, while Progressive Conservatives (Neocons) only criticize American Indians' inherited legal relationship with the federal government as unearned and undeserved.
The Progressive Conservative (Neocon) practice of using military force to spread and impose democracy follows the Marxist principle of imposing ideology through violence.
Why is feminism socially acceptable sexism?
"If some life can be thrown away, our right to personally choose what is best for us is more difficult to defend." - Congressman Ron Paul on Abortion, Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom.
In our modern surveillance state, "government transparency" means citizens are transparent to the government.