In this column I pose questions and raise issues. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item, provoke thinking or give you ideas for how to respond to things. Think of them as "sound bite arguments."
Feminist rage is a measure of their frustrated entitlement.
Feminism is libertarian in theory, but authoritarian in action and totalitarian in outcome.
It is a poor hero who cannot stand up to criticism.
To say selling sex should be legal but buying sex should be illegal is like saying that cooking meth should be legal but buying meth should be illegal.
Many of the Men's Rights Activists are men who started out as male feminists but then realized feminism had become a hate movement.
The MERGE: Movement for the Establishment of Real Gender Equality is represented by the Men's Rights Movement.
Where budget cuts do not affect commercial interests, there is no "austerity," only political posturing.
How many of the feminists who complain of male "violence" on the Internet have experienced a single bump or bruise as a result of it?
Neither criticism nor disagreement are violence.
How many of the threats made against feminists writers originate with other feminists posing as men?
There's an old joke that, "on the Internet nobody knows if you're a dog." By the same token, "on the Internet nobody knows if you're a feminist posing as a violent man."
Any woman can be raped, and any man can be falsely accused.
Do demagogues on both the left and right ignore cold fusion because it will solve too many of the issues they use to build coalitions and gain power?
Mainstream Republicans scold Liberty Republicans for breaking ranks with the GOP in the 2012 General Election, forgetting that it was mainstreamers who trampled their own rules and resorted to dirty tricks and video-documented election fraud to silence and sideline Republicans who wanted to restore the Republic to the Constitution.
In a society that condemns men based on their sex, no man who goes on strike Atlas Shrugged style should feel ashamed for it.
If patriarchy evolved to protect and support maternalism, in which the needs of female biology dominate the social imperative, then feminism, in which the whims and desires of women metastasize to dominate the social imperative, is a patriarchal pathology.
Trying to smuggle libertarian principles past progressive demagogues in a Trojan Horse dressed up to look like feminism is futile. Label these principles how you will, it's nothing more than a strategy to subvert a movement that long ago lost its legitimacy. There can be no reconciliation between progressivism, which invariably tends toward totalitarianism, and the principles and proponents of individual liberty and responsibility.
Feminists are stupid, cast aspersions at them. When they respond that we are being violent, ask them how they feel about the "boys are stupid, throw rocks at them" feminist joke, and when they sputter excuses, accuse them of sexism.
Leftists understand that when we make unjust war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere, we create future enemies out of the children who survive, yet feminists seem oblivious to the fact that every injustice perpetrated against fathers and men today adds to their children's backlash against women tomorrow.
Women who date shallow men and then complain that all men are shallow are, themselves, shallow.
To promote a progressive agenda Reddit culls commentary that expose the politics behind everyday issues. Nothing inherently wrong with that, the totalitarian nature of progressivism notwithstanding, but their agenda is hidden.
Neoconservatism introduced progressivism to the political right.
Progressivism views the individual as a cog in the collective and is hostile to political freedom and individual liberty.
Feminists invented the straw feminist to silence legitimate criticism of anti-male (misandrous) feminist hyperbole.
Slut Walk feminists protest that women who dress and behave like sluts ought not to be treated like sluts.
The lie behind female Green Berets and SEALS will be exposed when some of them lose bad in bar fights to regular Joes.
Feminists and lawmakers often dismiss violence against men because it's male-on-male: "well, that's men doing it to themselves." Such a dismissal is like ignoring African-American violence because it's "black-on-black." Just as that is racist, so the feminist attitude is sexist.
What becomes of "discouraged workers," people who have given up and stopped looking for a job? Are they somehow magically able to provide themselves food, clothing and shelter, or do they simply disappear? Where do workers go when they become discouraged?
Will Syria mark the beginning of World War III?
The Nixon Administration took us off the gold standard, the Reagan Administration gave us Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, who turned the Fed into a bubble-making machine, the Bush II Administration gave us the Patriot Act, the quagmires in Iraq and Afghanistan, TARP and more bubble-making from Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke; the Obama Administration's economic policy, multiple violations of the Constitution, kill lists targeting Americans for murder and more wars may be bad, but none of it began with him: like his predecessors, Obama is just a puppet, a figurehead doing the bidding of people whose names none of us know.