In this column I pose questions and raise issues. I don't always agree with the conclusion, implied or stated. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item and to promote discussion. I'm sorry that I don't yet have a comments section, that will come when I have the resources to grow this site into a real blog. - Rod Van Mechelen
The Men's Rights Movement is turning into a Mass Movement, which is why every Men's Rights Activist and Advocate should read The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements
All feminist politics are expressed in progressive programs.
The Men's Rights Movement stands for individual freedom and equal rights while the Feminist Movement stands for collective servitude and ideological supremacy, so why do our social institutions support the latter but condemn the former?
Feminism is the radical notion that only feminists are poeple.
Men's Rights Advocates are not opposed to women or women's rights, but to the feminist war against men.
There are as many leftists as rightists who oppose the progressive encroachment of government into our lives, which is why Ron Paul had almost as many supporters in the Democratic Party as in the GOP, and why the Liberty Movement has spread to both major parties.
Rush Limbaugh has spent more than 20 years telling us liberal and progressive are the same, but they are not. Progressives in both major parties want to insinuate government into every crack and crevice of our lives while there are liberal Democrats who are as dedicated to freedom and the Constitution as any conservative Republican.
"MGTOW" (Men Going Their Own Way) are not opposed to marriage, but to a system that turns every woman into a prostitute and every man into a slave.
As a "gender egalitarian" I respect individual diversity and believe that everybody has the same fundamental rights. This is not the same thing as feminism, which politicizes everything.
In generations past, the men to whom women gave their love (read attention, affection and sex) were family men who gave up instant gratification to build a future for themselves and their families, so men were motivated to settle down. What behaviors are women's choices motivating men to choose today?
War is as much a "male patriarchal value" as aristocracy is a "female patriarchal value."
Most people walk backwards through life.
If the economy collapses, as is likely, feminists will lose the government programs that form the foundation of their power.
By 2020 there will be a global shortage of women of child bearing age that will drive up the relative value of each woman. Will this lead to a matriarchy in which each woman has multiple husbands, as in Robert Heinlein's novel, The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
? Will it lead to drafting women ages 18 to 20 into a two-year term of state prostitution, as in J. Neil Schulman's novel, The Rainbow Cadenza ? Or will it lead to more promiscuity with an ever-growing number of single mother households, each forcibly supported by the several men whose children they bore?
Because of the destruction of marriage and the prevalence of promiscuity, women are being pushed into voluntarily providing sexual services for multiple men, while men are being pushed, through taxes, to support them...and the state.
In the December 14, 2001, episode of West Wing: The War at Home [HD]
, an argument between President and Dr. Bartlet, played by Martin Sheen and Stockard Channing, escalates into a shouting match. Dr. Bartlet stood her ground and they settled their argument. Today she would accuse him of "abusive communication" and either force him into a Domestic Violence program or have him arrested and impeached.
Women, far more and in much greater numbers than men, have always made "slut" a perjorative and everybody knows this, even the man-hating feminists who blame it on men.
The growing number of men who refuse to participate in marriage is the "invisible hand" of sex at work. Atlas is Shrugging
Feminists want to turn men into pocket poodles.
Feminists no longer burn bras. They march in Slut Walks, protest topless, and stereotype men as rapists with "don't forget to not rape your date" campaigns.
Will the Second Amendment be the next piece of the Constitution to fall?
Was Mitt Romney's job to ensure an Obama victory?
Few men may be princes and most men may be frogs but feminists want parity with the princes, not all those damned frogs, and that is what they mean by equality.
Men used to be gentlemen, back before feminism when women used to be ladies. Like Mae West said, "When women go wrong, men go right after them."
Traditional cultures found healthy ways to channel the energy of young women and men. But feminist culture views anything female as inherently healthy and anything male as a disease to be cured.
Political leaders aside, most mass murderers are young men, and during the past 30 years far more boys than girls have been put on psychiatric drugs. Coincidence?
Traditionally, women anchored men and men supported women. Men are still required to support women (through taxes, government programs, child support), but few women anchor men.
Men have done more to advance the cause of equality for women than feminists.
Feminists depend on large centralized organizations to sustain their programs and cater to their demands, which is why they cannot dominate and censor the web, but they are working to change that.
When you remove the father from the community it becomes a de facto matriarchy. We saw this in welfare projects during the 1970s. Likewise, when you remove the father role of provider-protector from the community, as happened when tribes were herded onto prison camps called reservations. Such communities are inherently unhealthy. The role of the fathers is as important as that of the mothers.
Never debate a feminist one-on-one. It's a waste of time. Only debate a feminist before a diverse audience. You are not trying to persuade the feminist, but the audience.
Men's Rights Activists have a rare form of Tourettes; instead of spouting profanity, we spout the truth.
A thug exposed will attack the truth, and those who tell it.
Breast Cancer Awareness Fact: 5,000 IU of Vitamin D3 a day may cut the risk of breast cancer in half.
Expect government to grow until it collapses.
Early American settlers were astonished by the degree of liberty enjoyed by individual citizens of the American Indian nations. They adopted that freedom. Are we about to lose it?
The Little Ice Age lasted from about 1550 to 1850. What caused it? Current theory is that CO2 released by the vast prairie fires of the American Indians kept the planet warm. When millions of Indians died from the epidemics following Europe's invasion of the Americas, the fires stopped and the global temperate dropped. Do we really want that to happen again?
The American military took the guns of the American Indians. It made it that much easier to confine them in the prison camp reservations. Progressive politicians want to eliminate the Second Amendment, take our guns and turn the whole country into one gigantic reservation.
Rod Van Mechelen is the author of What Everyone Should Know about Feminist Issues: The Male-Positive Perspective (the page now includes several articles by other authors), and the publisher of The Backlash! @ and Cowlitz Country News. He is a member of the Cowlitz Indian Tribe and served for 9-1/2 years on the Cowlitz Indian Tribal Council.