The Backlash! - Things that make you go, "hmmm - February 2004
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In this column I pose questions and raise issues. I don't always agree with the conclusion, implied or stated. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item and to promote discussion.

  • Thanks to feminists, we are no longer allowed to make policy based on value judgments about women who behave irresponsibly. This harms children, and has to change.
  • People in Mexico believe Texas and parts of California belong to Mexico; they ignore that American Indians, who are American citizens, have a prior claim. So it's part of America, and Mexico should be so lucky.
  • On January 29, 2004, Rusty Humphries talked with a man who was falsely accused and convicted of rape. The man said it ruined his life. Because it happened many years ago, Rusty made light of his situation and told him to get over it. But if the man was convicted of rape, then that means he went to prison, where he was probably raped, himself. He could have AIDS, and he is branded as a sexual predator. This is why Conservatives are so often stereotyped as callous and uncaring, because while a very strong person could overcome all those things, most people, even in an ideally Conservative society, would find themselves all but overwhelmed by such circumstances.
  • Some think the men's rights opposition to anti-boy T-shirts was hypersensitive. But flip it around, if a retail chain tried to market T-shirts telling us to throw rocks at girls, the protest would have resembled a riot, and any boy caught wearing one would be expelled from school.
  • I suspect President Bush would have liked to propose immigration reform that focuses on enforcement of existing laws. But if he had done that, the Democrats would have crucified him. So, instead, he proposed a Republican version of the Democratic position as a workable compromise. We can support that, or we can demand reform the really solves the problem, but either way we need to support President Bush.
  • Outsourcing, job exportation, and the feminist-driven influx of women into the workplace drove down wages. Liberals responded with minimum wage hikes, which drive prices up and motivate businesses to outsource and export more jobs, and round it goes in a vicious circle. Limit the minimum wage, limit outsourcing and job exportation, and let the market produce equilibrium.
  • Manifest Destiny was a Utopian concept. As such, it was a Liberal movement; hence, Liberals imposed America on the traditionally Conservative Indians, and they're still doing it today, imposing their Liberal agenda on Indian country. It's time Indians took back their traditional Conservatism.
  • The top two "gateway drugs" in America are tobacco and alcohol.
  • A thing I didn't understand about the Bush agenda is that we import relatively little oil from the Gulf, and that, as Michael Medved noted, January 23, 2004, "Bush wants us to import even less" by drilling for more oil in Alaska.
  • Where are the reasonable Muslims, showing their opposition to the extremists through demonstrations and speeches? They're probably afraid of becoming targets, themselves.
  • Rush Limbaugh notes that Liberals absolve people of responsibility, and he's right. But he demonstrates his own Liberal tendencies by absolving Corporations of responsibility.
  • Political candidates are expected to be versed in the darling issues of the moment. This seldom makes sense. What we should want is a person in office whose principles are strong and who is well-grounded in the enduring issues.
  • Rush Limbaugh portrays himself as a Conservative; from NAFTA to his uninformed attacks on Hydrogen fuel, however, he reveals himself as a pawn of the apolitical and Liberal multi-national corporations.
  • Men don't tell women the truth about relationship issues because they're afraid.
  • If America bans biologically engineered bugs, other countries will produce them.
  • In retrospect, it's clear the Bush administration had no knowlegely of 9-11; at the time, however, a lot of people wondered about it because the timing was very convenient, providing, as it did, a compelling, external reason for Americans to mobilize our resolute determination to prevail.
  • Few post-feminist "liberated" women view men in other than the context of sex. This objectification of men, however, leads them to further objectify themselves.
  • The modern focus on self-esteem really began with Nathaniel Branden's The Psychology of Self-Esteem, but Branden never promoted the extreme and unrealistic extent to which it has been carried.
  • One of the most overlooked shameful behaviors in America is how women proudly choose to carry on with abusive men. "It's a woman's right!" feminists protest. No, it isn't. Behavior like that is bad for the community, bad for the nation, and bad for their children.
  • Proponents who argue that the negative side-effects of any national program will be only temporary, ignore that any privation, no matter if it lasts only a few years, motivates those who suffer to backlash.
  • The backlash against Christianity is producing a Christian backlash. It was inevitable.
  • Corporate apologists and corporations have worked hard to persuade us we are global citizens living in a global community that is well served by International Free Trade, and that nationalism is protectionist, and bad. So it should come as no surprise that many "cosmopolitan" citizens are offended by the American flag and any other overt sign of patriotism.
  • The Conservative habit of holding women harmless and absolving them of any responsibility has, more than anything else in America, allowed the feminist man-haters to shred the fabric of our society - the family - to tattered rags.
  • Under President Clinton, America's health care system continued the long decline. Contrary to what his Liberal and Democratic critics predicted, the Bush Administration is demonstrating that they are prepared to be very proactive in taking on this escalating crisis.
  • As a class under the legal protections provided by the EEO, race has the highest priority, with African Americans receiving the highest level of protection. Given that the statistical data show other races confront greater challenges, it is reasonable to conclude that this degree of protection stems from the oppressive power of the African American community in our society.
  • Is the scare about over-population a racist attempt to wipe out the Caucasian segment of the population?
  • As polygamy is illegal, a woman who knowingly marries a polygamist is participating in a sham, because there is no legally recognized marriage; hence, how can they break the law?
  • The only way that Wesley Clark could deliver on his promise to guarantee no further terrorist attacks on the United States, is if he is, himself, some kind of leader within al Qaeda.
  • It's perfectly reasonable for Americans to expect the American government and American corporations to put America and Americans first.
  • Apologists for companies like Wal-Mart often argue that it's what the people want, and government should stay out of it. Sure, and libertarians make the same argument for allowing porn, opium dens and prostitution anywhere there is demand.
  • Wal-Mart drives their domestic American vendors either to outsource jobs to other countries, or to declare bankruptcy, or both. This is tantamount to killing American businesses and feeding off their decaying carcasses. Why shop there? It contributes to our own economic decline.
  • According to the feminist paradigm, women are to be respected for their skills regardless of whether they are skillful, and little or no work is necessary to be respected, because respect is deserved, not earned.
  • On January 9, 2004, the feminist sports director of the University of Washington retired, and nobody in emasculated Seattle cared.
  • January 9, 2004, Rusty Humphries noted that "Americans don't look at the big picture." Why not? Because advertisers employ very sophisticated marketing campaigns to promote short attention span.
  • In state government, the legislators often seem dominated by special interests. But who has the time to watch over what they do? What about our elders? Why aren't they spending at least some of their retirement physically sitting in observation and oversight of our state legislatures?
  • In the movie As Good As It Gets, Helen Hunt's character recognizes how profound it is when Jack Nicholson's character tells her, "You make me want to be a better man." Thanks to the lechery liberated by feminism, however, few women actually want that in a man.
  • European and Asian schools' test scores are from students who are on track to go to college, while ours test all students. That's why our average scores are lower.
  • Liberalism and corporate industrialism stem from the same root: Utilitarianism.
  • The goal of American education is wrong. It is geared toward preparing students for college. That's unrealistic. Most people are better served by a solid grounding in the basics, plus vocational training. This is how many European and Asian schools work, and until we do the same our schools will fail most students.
  • America should no longer give its markets to American corporations simply because they're here; if the American worker must compete with workers in other countries for jobs with American corporations, then those corporations are no longer American and we should put an end to the protectionist policies which gives them priority access to the American marketplace.
  • The cult of "rugged individualism," which began to take hold in America after World War II, grew from a kernel of truth planted in a mountain of myths.
  • The new profanity is defined by the effete elite of the politically correct crowd.
  • The classic story of Frankenstein is an allegory for how social conditions and certain prejudices can create and encourage criminal behavior. The sympathy we feel for the monster may lean us toward Liberal policies, but to do so ignores that, in the final analysis, the decision to commit the crime belongs to the one who did the deed.
  • There is a wide divide between investigating to understand why somebody committed a crime, and letting them off the hook. To understand is to have the knowledge necessary to prevent others from following the same path.
  • We are not in a "jobless recovery," but a "fewer jobs per capita" recovery. There are jobs, but many of them pay less and expect more than before.
  • Men who are the most vocal in their support of feminism are often also the most violent and abusive.
  • Martin Sheen is a fine actor, a savvy businessman, and an ultra-left wing Liberal. He's also a culturally conservative Hispanic American whose intervention into Charlie Sheen's self-destructive life-style stands in stark contradiction to his liberal politics.
  • Capitalism sprang from both liberal and conservative roots, while free enterprise happens where ever good and services are voluntarily bought and sold.


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Rod Van Mechelen, Publisher & Editor,
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