The Backlash! - Things that make you go, "hmmm - January 2004
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In this column I pose questions and raise issues. I don't always agree with the conclusion, implied or stated. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item and to promote discussion.

  • Women expect men to do all the asking, and they expect us to believe this is equality. - read more
  • Are African American men who impregnate white women and then abandon them, guilty of slavery?
  • All talk show hosts, regardless of their political affiliation, are compelled by the nature of their business to reduce every discussion to black and white, yes and no, good and bad. In the binary world of the talk show format, being thoughtful can look like ambiguity, which is boring. The drive to maintain ratings sacrifices reason to rant.
  • Understandably, most attention on the Green River Killer case focused, first, on Gary Ridgeway, second on his victims, and third, on the victims' families. Ignored is the enormous impact the Green River murders had on sex and relationships in the Seattle metropolitan area. Feminists made great bales of political hay out of the murders, using them to promote fear and hatred of men.
  • If the rancher, whose cow had Mad Cow Disease, has to slaughter his whole herd, should the government cover his loss? Yes, because farms and ranches, who supply our food, are essential to national security.
  • Should we picket gay bath houses with signs that read, "HIV served here"?
  • On December 23, 2003, Kirby Wilbur said America is not built on the rape or theft of anybody. He's wrong. Conquest is one thing, but many Indian tribes were never conquered (sorry boys, but it's true). Their land and resources were stolen, mostly by squatters. This is acknowledged fact, for which compensation is made in the form of the inheritance many Americans mistakenly call "special rights."
  • Single moms living on welfare is called "the feminization of poverty." Given that this arose from conditions created by feminist policies, it should be called the "feministization of poverty."
  • December 22, 2003, talk show host David Gold, sitting in for Rusty Humphries, said the Morning After Pill is a boon for the boys, for whom this relieves all fear of responsibility. Like too many conservatives, he doesn't realize that feminist-indoctrinated girls are using the availability of female contraceptives to lull men into a false sense of security. Why? Because for many women, being a single mom is a meal ticket. Not in all cases, but all cases do give the feminist politburo clout, which they wield with ruthless calculation.
  • The libertarian argument against union workers going on strike collapses at the point where enough workers perceive the disparity between the working and executive classes has gone beyond what they feel is reasonable, and they rise up en masse to rebel. It's not rational, it's just human nature. This is why the prudent employer assures their workers are treated "fairly."
  • A number of books, written by people who have reason to know, assert that 9-11 could have been prevented. What their hindsight really reveals is that, even in the best intelligence agencies, down-sizing, inactivity and boredom can cultivate a fatal complacency.
  • If ogling women who wear tight and/or revealing clothing is "conduct of a sexual nature," it's because women who wear tight and/or revealing clothing are engaging in "conduct of a sexual nature." - read more
  • Foreskin, that useless little flap of skin on the male penis that, at birth, is hacked off, along with more than half the man's sexual sensitivity, is harvested to produce interferon.
  • There is no reason to sympathize with Saddam Hussein. However, to torment him is to stoop to his level. We are better.
  • Schooled in Liberal psycho-nonsense, human resource departments look for applicants who conform to the feminist requirements for an emasculated workplace. Force, focus, determination and a nose-to-the-grindstone attitude are traits many hiring managers want, but not what HR will allow. Ironically, this may turn out to be illegal discrimination, as these are traits common to people with Asperger's Disorder
  • Being obsessed with sex, feminists, and their politically correct offspring, sexualize everything. - read more
  • Why do some people complain so bitterly against Christmas, while those same people are silent about the national celebrations by dominant cultures in Asian nations?
  • When a man commits a crime, he's an evildoer, a blight upon humanity, a waste of space. But when a woman commits a crime, she's crying out for help.
  • Ibuprofen, which you can buy at the supermarket, belongs to a class of drugs that kills more than 16,000 Americans every year. Yet, Ephedra, an herb which has been linked to 155 deaths, will be banned. The anti-capitalist drug companies carry a lot of political clout, which they exercise, with callous disregard for the health of consumers, to maintain their market monopolies against the herbal and nutrient manufacturers. - read more
  • Enforcing artificial barriers to competition against the entrenched Drug Cartels is the illegitimate use of government force to transfer wealth from American consumers to these multinational corporations.
  • There's nothing inherently evil about the oil business. As long as the externalities (costs imposed on the rest of us) are reasonable and oil companies do not in any way create or impose artificial barriers to any competing technologies, they are good for the world and America.
  • Reason and prudence mean little to people who succumb to ego and appetite.
  • Nepotism is crystallizing the once fluid class structure in America.
  • One intention of the American Experiment, often ignored, is to allow those in each generation, who are fitted by their talent and effort, to be America's aristocracy.
  • Political correctness is the sneaky way to impose totalitarian rule.
  • On December 10, 2003, Tom Ridge said he supports legalization of illegal aliens. Why? Could it have anything to do with the fact that within five years, the American labor population will begin to decline as aging boomers retire?
  • With the unfortunate recent spate of sex crimes against a few women, pundits are calling for harsh mandatory penalties. That's fine by me. However, the fact they often forget is that female perpetrators will be subject to those same mandatory penalties.
  • The fact George W. Bush did not win the popular vote is reflected in the humility with which he has comported himself while in office.
  • Absolute equality is an ideal Liberals seek to achieve through the destruction of all but the most superficial differences. In Liberal theory, everybody possesses equal capacities, but the reality of widely differing abilities forces them to implement dictatorial policies. This applies as much to Left as Right wing Liberals.
  • Why does George Soros, one of the most powerful proponents of globalism, a man who has made countless millions pillaging economies, want to replace George W. Bush, and with a man like Howard Dean, of all people? - read more
  • As more women make false accusations, first against men and then against one-another, our culture will grow to distrust all women.
  • Is it time to get the government out of the health care business? If that includes getting the government out of protecting the pharmaceutical industry's monopoly, then, yes!
  • Academics, according to Mark J. Justad, professor of theology and culture at Vanderbilt University Divinity School and president of the American Men's Studies Association, believe that women do not have it better than men, and that the average man has more power than the average woman. He bases this on aggregate statistics, which ignore individual experiences and lump the average working man in with billionaires, politicians, sports, movie and rock stars. Hence, at the very least, his skewed view is classist.
  • To turn America into a nation of "information workers" is to relegate most Americans to a life of poverty.
  • The bigotry of feminism is epitomized by a young woman in a University of Washington Women's Studies class who told me that men should not be allowed to date coworkers, but women "have the right to date whoever (sic) they want."
  • Michael Medved dislikes the movie, Dances with Wolves, because it's an unrealistic, idealized portrayal of life in one particular tribe. He's right. So, what? Against the thousands of television episodes and movies in which unrealistically exaggerated negative stereotypes of American Indians are portrayed, a single instance in which the opposite is true is a step toward providing balance.
  • The power of rationalization is never so evident as when a feminist violates everything in which she profess to believe, flips skirt and spreads her legs for the baddest of bad boys.
  • The two basic ways a woman can be more than a booty call: get pregnant, trap the father, get married, give divorced and economically rape the guy; or, have an attractive mind and personality to go along with a healthy body. Too many women aren't willing to work that hard.
  • In the bad old days of oppressive patriarchal evilness, women leaned to use their personality and intelligence, as well as their looks, to attract a man. Now, in our liberated post-feminist society, women focus so much on their looks that few men want them for anything but sex.
  • Why do so many people who oppose bans on smoking tobacco support bans on smoking marijuana? As a non-smoker, I see no difference.
  • Right-wing Liberals complain that laws banning cigarette smoking infringe on our rights and cost jobs. They're right. But the same can be said of the criminalization of marijuana. But, marijuana is illegal, tobacco is not. True, but before too long tobacco may be illegal, too, and the issue over our rights will still remain.
  • Right-wing Liberals do the Republican party, not to mention the Republic, a grave disservice when they stoop to the vulgar tactics of the Left-wing Liberals. Conservatives, left and right, do better.
  • In few cultures throughout history have children had as much time to be children as in modern America.
  • The slippery slope leading to the possible legalization of bigamy began with the widespread acceptance, if not approval, of promiscuity.
  • The defining characteristic of bigamy is a ceremony that legally binds the "criminal" to his "victims."
  • One difference between admitted bigamist Tom Green and Playboy Enterprises founder Hugh M. Hefner, is that Hefner has no wives but more sex.
  • Why can a man, but not a woman, be charged with "criminal non-support" of their children?
  • In religion, God is the name given to what lies beyond our comprehension. In reality, God is the First Cause. There is no mystery in God, though much that is beyond our ability and nature to know.
  • One of the many ways feminists belittle men is with the condescending retort that men who reject feminism must have been hurt bad at some time. The right response to their intended insult is, "So?" It's irrelevant. It doesn't matter, because, no matter how harsh the lessons, experience is one of the best teachers.
  • NAFTA and WTO were supposed to promote business and international free trade. It's good to promote business, and prudently pursued, free trade among nations can be a boon to all people. But the result has been to politically empower the leaders of poor undemocratic nations to take control of key elements of the relatively rich democratic nations' economies.
  • "The personal is political," a libertarian principle feminists expropriated, is the basis on which talk show host Mike Siegel opposes the imposition, by parents in Burlington, WA, of Spanish as part of the public school curriculum. While I, too, oppose allowing any but English as the official language, and agree immigrants should be required to learn English, a common conservative position is that parents have the right to choose what their children will be taught. By saying parents don't have the right when it comes to adding Spanish, is Siegel going Liberal on us?
  • In 1998 members of the Communication Workers of America went on a strike in which I participated against US West, the baby bell that Qwest, led at the time by Joe Nacchio, cannibalized. Some workers, of course, chose to cross the picket line, and while they were later disciplined by the union, the company rewarded many of them with management positions.


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Rod Van Mechelen, Publisher & Editor,
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