In this column I pose questions and raise issues. I don't always agree with the conclusion, implied or stated. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item and to promote discussion.
- Fake erect nipples, which are becoming increasingly popular in Canada, could, under the Reasonable Man Standard be construed as sexual harassment.
- How would women react if men started wearing fake erections?
- Thirty years ago, if the government and Fortune 500 employers had told American citizens that in 30 years, raising a family would not only require both parents to work but that they would also have to go into debt for most of their lives and they would have to work so hard and life would be so frantic that they would seldom have time to actually parent their children, there would have mass rioting across the nation.
- Men must view every date as a potential accusation of date rape, and any overture to marriage as a commitment to child support payments.
- Decades ago, feminists told us "the personal is political." Presuming they owned it, they proceeded to tell us how their personal was political, but ignored what was personal for the rest of us, such as the civility lost under many Liberal piggy-at-the-trough programs. Ignoring it, they lost it, and to whom did they lose it? George W. Bush.
- One of the primary reasons that female murderers go undetected is their weapon of choice is a male. - John D. Taylor
- The reason I liked Dances with Wolves is that, unlike other "Indian movies," which generally focus either on Indians-as-victims or Injuns vs. Settlers, Dances with Wolves gave us a "day in the life" look at a Tribe. Although there were some "bad guys" (both White and Indian), the real story was about the culture; understanding, rather than hostility, was the result.
- Are some false memories an artifact of the brain's own brand of data compression?
- For decades proponents of fairness have opposed pop feminist ideologues and the policies they espouse with little effect. Maybe the time has come to employ a different strategy, and give them everything they want...with a vengeance.
- Women's studies is indoctrination, not education.
- Pundits claim the fact there is no male pill is proof of women's oppression; but a pill that would give men control over their own fertility would reduce women's power over men. So is the lack of a male pill evidence of men oppressing women, or something else?
- Programs to protect abused women, such as shelters, save men's lives; for the sake and safety of women, it is imperative that we give the same priority to providing counseling and shelter for abused men that we provide for abused women.
- With a pro-life president in office, maybe it's time for the pro choice feminists to ally themselves with the advocates of choice for men.
- When Loose Lips Lewinsky dropped for President Clinton, whom did we vilify? The "liberated lady" who made moves on a married man, or the man? Now it comes out that Jesse Jackson, another high status celebrity male, said one too many amens with Karin Stanford, and who gets the blame and shame? We should hold both or neither party accountable. Anything else is a double standard.
- Is John Ashcroft really the Smoking Man from the X-Files?
- Why are the ladies at Oxygen trying to make Xena a Feminist icon when most of her fans are adolescent boys and men over forty.
- By definition, abortion deprives the abortee of choice.
- In the 1970s, it was "I am woman, hear me roar." Men were weak, women were strong and women's liberation was liberation for everybody. In the 1980s, it was "I'm a victim." Women were oppressed, men were oppressors and women's liberation was an uprising against the evil male hegemony. In the 1990s, it was the Spice Girls and Dixie Chicks, men were sexual predators, women were both sexual and paragons of virtue, and women's liberation was grrl power. Now it looks like we've come full circle and the 2000s be a rehash of "men are weak" theme.
- Some feminists say no woman will be free until all women are free, and for this reason countries such as the US and Canada must aid women throughout the world. But in many parts of the world most men are not free, either, and by their logic no man will be free until all men are free. Hence, this would mean we must go to their aid, as well. In other words, they want us to conquer the world. Imperialists by any other name,...
- The USDA reports that it costs around $10K or more each year to raise a child. The average hourly wage today is around $14 an hour, bringing average annual gross income to around $28K each year. You do the math: Deduct taxes and show that the USDA believes children cost more to maintain than adults. I guess maybe your kids own the house and the car. - Roger F. Gay
- In the 1970s feminist doctrine held that women and men were essentially the same, and anybody who disagreed was labeled sexist. In the 1990s feminist doctrine held that women and men were essentially different, and anybody who disagreed was labeled sexist.
- As the number of female college graduates surpasses male graduates, and as women generally "marry up," more women will either have to share men with college degrees (i.e., marry divorced men with degrees), "choose" to remain single, or start marying "down."
- When a woman speaks up, she's assertive; when a man participates, he's domineering.
- During the Y2K General Election, I had two bumper stickers for presidential candidates on my car: "Buchanan Reform" and "Nader 2000." Why? Because unlike Bush and Gore, they represented the real Liberal and Conservative choices.
- Women who get pregnant by a lover or boyfriend but don't tell the man until years later, when they sue for child support, are guilty of stealing and exploiting his DNA for financial and emotional gain.
- Fathers teach their sons to defend women, which explains why, along with the increase in the number fatherless households there is a concomitant decrease in the number of young men who are prepared to defend women.
- As long as most women date, mate and marry men who make more money than they do, men will continue to expect women to put their careers on hold when they decide to have children.