The Backlash! - Things that make you go, "hmmm" - February 2000
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In this column I pose questions and raise issues. I don't always agree with the conclusion, implied or stated. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item and to promote discussion.

  • Unfortunately for those of us who admire dark hair, a huge cosmetics industry has persuaded millions of women that "gentlemen prefer blondes." Unfortunately for those of us who value clear thinking, pop feminists have persuaded millions of those same women they have the "evil patriarchal hegemony" to blame for this.

  • Women who smoke smell like men who smoke.

  • In my experience, liberals are more inclined to violence than conservatives.

  • When you lance a boil you get pus: you can't get the good until you draw out the bad.

  • There are lots of rednecks who are dirt poor but do not complain they are victims of society or go on welfare.

  • Pop feminists objectify children to justify abortion.

  • If we count the number of unborn children women have killed, the male murder rate would pale in comparison.

  • At the beginning and end of the 20th century, the wealthiest women in the world were both African American.

  • When women want to hear the truth, liars won't get laid.

  • Women who are attracted to the kind of man who cheats shouldn't be surprised when he does.

  • Employers who do not deal fair and straight with their employees will attract the kind of employees who not deal fair and straight.

  • How many women would have sex with a very famous entertainer or sports star and not tell their friends about it? As Alan Derschowitz said, "When a woman sleeps with a professional athlete, she gets 30 minutes of bad sex and bragging rights." How is that different from old men who sleep around with 20-year-old girls?

  • Leaders of pop feminist organizations such as NOW assure us their groups are large and powerful, except when it's more beneficial for them to have us believe they are weak and helpless victims.

  • Has everybody forgotten that AT&T is the company which laid off 40,000 employees so their stock price would go up?

  • I know lots of moderately conservative and single, celibate guys who utterly oppose men's rights because they keep hoping if they appear to agree with pop feminist policies women will suddenly want to marry them. I'm not talking about down-on-their-luck loser-types, but good looking, athletic, educated men in their mid-30s to mid-40s with good jobs making $50,000+ per year who are active in the community. Someday, probably when it's too late, they'll wake up and find nothing has changed because they did nothing to change things. And that is how they will die, single, celibate and alone.

  • Perhaps because she lied about him in her first book, Backlash, Susan Faludi refuses to appear on television with Warren Farrell despite the fact he repeatedly holds out the olive branch. Can she wonder why we doubt the sincerity of her latest book?

  • A woman told me when she goes to work she checks her morals at the door because she's "not there to represent her principles, but the company's principles." And if that includes screwing the company's customers? Bend over baby!

  • If we use the unethical behavior of others as an excuse to behave unethically ourselves, eventually we will all behave that way and the extreme left will have their dream world. A world in which the government watchdogs our every move because otherwise it will be every woman and man for themselves. The alternative is the more responsibility to behave appropriately toward one another we take as individuals, the less the government will have to do it for us.

  • A woman who has sex with a prized athlete or rock musician is like a man who has sex with a hooker: he pays money to have his penis stroked with her sex; she pays sex to have her ego stroked with his popular penis.

  • At Microsoft my supervisor was a woman, as was our department head. At Egghead, my manager was a woman, as was our director. At Air Touch Cellular, my supervisor was a woman, as was our director. At, my supervisor was a woman, and at my present job my supervisor is a woman, as is her boss and her boss's boss. Throughout most of my adult working life my supervisors, managers and directors have been women. The pop feminists can spout all the slogans they like, but none will change my experience, and as they say, "the personal is political."

  • When my paternal grandfather's back was crushed in a logging accident, the doctors said he would die and advised him to suffer his last days in a morphine-induced fog. He refused, fought through the pain and lived not only to walk again, but to found a county volunteer fire department and devote his life to worker safety. When a disk in my father's back was crushed, doctors advised him to have an operation and resign himself to a sedentary life. He refused and has spent much of his (physically active) life working, with my mother, on American Indian and conservative issues. When my L4 disk was destroyed by an infection I picked up in a hospital emergency room, doctors there told me I was 100 percent disabled and advised me to go on welfare and resign myself to a sedentary life. I refused, returned to work, (carefully) exercised, and today I'm more fit than most men half my age. Our cases demonstrate that people who are willing to ignore the penchant of most doctors to treat long-term pain as a problem in and of itself rather than a guide to recuperation do not join the growing ranks of the "disabled."

  • Some pop feminists like to encourage their followers to never marry, have no children and live a life of total independence and ego fulfillment. I think there's a term which describes those whose genes are not passed on.

  • The primary difference between the "male hegemony" and the female Mafia is, to the extent the former exists it benefits a very few men but very many women, while the latter benefits very many women but very few men. Hm. Not much difference, is there.

  • Pop feminists say sexual harassment is about power, but what about those people who are starved for intimacy?

  • If women performing for men degrades women, then men performing for women degrades men. So the question becomes, in what ways do men perform for women?


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Rod Van Mechelen, Publisher & Editor,
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