In this column I pose questions and raise issues. I don't always agree with the conclusion, implied or stated. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item and to promote discussion.
- One myth about men many women believe and Naomi Wolf rages against in Promiscuities: The Secret Struggle for Womanhood is that a woman's "past" should begin the moment she meets a man. They've got it backwards. Most men care less about a woman's past than other women do; the future is what matters. Hence, if a man is interested in a woman, what he wants from her - what he hopes - can be summed up as: A woman's future should begin the moment they meet.
- CNN reported that in 1997 American girls spent more than $43 billion on themselves.
- The fundamental effect of a restraining order is to cut off communication. Women, according to feminists, are better communicators than men. Yet women, according to statistics, use restraining orders far more frequently than men.
- Culture is a process, not an ideology.
- There are many differences between Liberals and Conservatives, but there is one characteristic they share in common: both tend to ignore the ambivalence of truth.
- Reality, like truth, does not take sides.
- Sick women produce sick men who produce sick women who produce sick men.
- See the system, see the solution.
- The only way to end racism is to not be racist.
- With devoted anger the feminist Frankensteins have taken the germ of human frailty and made it a fortress from which to launch their biological war against men, sexuality and any happiness that does not contribute directly to their own.
- By blood quantum, many individuals like Vanessa Williams are more white than I am; yet they are identified as a member of the "historically oppressed" class, while I am identified as a member of the "oppressor" class.
- Socialism isn't about creating fair and just conditions, but about overthrowing one set of oligarchs in favor of another.
- American society is becoming a social wilderness over run by wild animals.
- Thoughtful development can be a boon, thoughtless development is a blight.
- Certain parties accuse others of bigotry on no other basis than that these others disagree with them on a particular thing. No real knowledge informs them, only a disagreement. And, when those others toward whom they level such an egregious insult defend themselves with the most natural claim that, "some of my best friends are ... black, homosexual, rich, poor ..." whatever, the accusers repudiate them even more, saying claim of friendship is an empty thing. Thus, they taint the friendship between whites and blacks, heterosexual and homosexual, rich and poor, powerful and powerless, spreading disrespect and anger like a disease which serves only the bigot who made the accusation in the first place.
- If forgiveness is a Christian virtue, then one might expect the ultra right wing conservatives to forgive Clinton his prevarications and promiscuities; they would, however, rather cheer him on to a bloody victory against the Moslems in Iraq.
- People will ignore good service until they have a single bad experience, then they will cry to heaven that they have been wronged for all eternity. Americans used to be better than that.
- Feminists flare out of control over fat. "Fat is a feminist issue," they write, and "fat feminists" march for a woman's right to take up all the space she needs. Hey, laides, if you can be fat and fit, fine; if not, lose it or like it, but shut up.
- By definition, quotes are always out of context.