In this column I pose questions and raise issues. I don't always agree with the conclusion, implied or stated. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item and to promote discussion.
- There are no nuclear families in the Bible.
- Women are the same as men right up until being different is more convenient.
- How is the fact your great grandfather oppressed my great grandmother make me your oppressor?
- Evolution is a process of change from within; revolution changes conditions.
- Feminism is less about women than men.
- Real equality requires both women and men to change their attitudes and actions, values and choices.
- If John Kennedy, Jr., had been born into a middle class family instead of one of the nation's wealthiest, most women would call him a loser. Would that really make him a loser? If not, what would that say about the women who called him that?
- Were IBM really sincere about marketing Warp, its operating system that competes with Microsoft's Windows, they would provide incentives for users to switch. Like a tutorial site on the web where people could learn how to use it before buying it. They would also provide discount coupons or rebate coupons for people who complete the tutorial.
- The reason the American Constitution stipulates a right to bear arms has nothing to do with sport, little to do with protection against criminals, and everything to do with the right of the American citizens to protect themselves in the event the American government oversteps the limits of its authority.
- While addressing the subject of gender roles, Phyllis Schlafly said "a lot of men don't like to be number 3 on a woman's list," to which a young feminist replied, "In other words, a lot of men are self centered." Given how many women expect to be number one on their husband's list, by that logic, a lot of women are self centered, too.
- During the seventies, feminists joked about men's lack of self esteem. Then, they realized low self esteem could be linked with victim hood, and there was money and power to be gained by being a victim, and suddenly all they could talk about was how much self esteem men have, and how little of it women have.
- When men who oppose the feminists write about cloning humans, we do not cheer how men will be free to reproduce without women; rather, we see the risk this will pose to women. Feminist writers, however, see only that they will be free to reproduce without men. Who is being short sighted?
- Men are programmed to protect women, and feminists take advantage of that.
- When American men stand up to them, feminists call them oppressors and whiners.
- Feminists complain that having to wear the hijab is evidence Muslim women are oppressed. A style of clothing that prevents men from treating a woman like a sex object is evidence of oppression? That's funny.
- Everybody makes mistakes; not everybody learns from their mistakes.
- There was only one victim in the Lt. Kelly Flinn affair, and her name was Airman Gayla Zigo.
- Why did feminists praise Lt. Kelly Flinn for being the "other woman," and ignore Airman Gayla Zigo?
- The only man feminists hate worse than the guy who leaves the toilet seat up, forgets to take out the garbage, and would rather watch the season playoffs than walk and talk, is the guy who always puts the seat down, never forgets to take out the garbage, and would rather walk and talk than watch the playoffs.
- Pop feminist propaganda persuades millions of women to either dump the fathers of their children, or reproduce with lowlife who want nothing to do with their children, then the feminists accuse men of abandonment.
- Bullets don't care about sex. Bullets don't care what you think, want or feel, or what offends you. Get in a bullet's way, you're dead. Seconds count. Move! Move! Move! Hit back hard, shoot straight, they die, you live. Maybe. In combat, hesitation can kill you. The unit cannot afford to let concern for an individual's sensitivity slow it down. The unit must take priority over boundary issues. No member of the unit can afford to worry about a team mate taking offense. Worry leads to hesitation. Harassment in training, the congenial insults swapped like spit, the hierarchy of command limit boundary issues and instill confidence. You count on them, they count on you, lock step shoulder to shoulder. If women want to serve in combat, I say let them. Grab ass, punch shoulder, spit shine, tumble rough, and leave the boundary issues at home with mummy and daddy.
- If America is intrinsically racist and sexist, then what democratic process can possibly change the nature of the nation?
- Wretchedness is relative.
- People do not fear what does not threaten, do not protect what is secure, do not cling to what is close, do not fight over what is abundant, do not cherish what they cannot use or do not need, unless they are taught to do so.
- There's nothing to doing it but to do it.
- Feminists devote enormous time and effort to being victims.
- Often, doing right can feel wrong, and doing wrong can feel good. Do right anyway.
- Too many corporations, politicians and pundits prove crime does pay. Is that what we really want?