In this column I pose questions and raise issues. I don't always agree with the conclusion, implied or stated. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item and to promote discussion.
- What does it tell boys when most of our social icons of innocence and sensuality are women, and the male icons of what women find attractive are hoods, hooligans, shysters, drug lords, boy toys, bullies and so on?
- Women's bodies sell commodities; men's bodies make commodities.
- Sexual attention is not harassment when it's wanted. How are we supposed to know when it's wanted? Feminatics say women never really want men's sexual attention. Nonsense. Most women do ... just not all the time. As long as most women want men's attention some times, and as long as most women make a habit of forcing men to guess when they do and don't, all heterosexual men will sometime engage in behaviors that, by law, can be deemed sexual harassment.
- Do men harass women in response to how women harass men, or do women harass men in response to how men harass women? To break it down into a "man problem" or a "woman problem" ignores the function of sex, how that function affects human relationships, and how each sex contributes to and participates in "harassment."
- Women wear the veil in the east; men wear drab suits in the west.
- The truth about cats and dogs is that the aloof, egocentric, "refined" cats are little more than furry lizards, while the panting, tailwagging, gregarious dogs are highly intelligent and evolved.
- (Braddicus) observed that, in the Army, being able to run is part of any job. It is a requirement of employment. If a man and a woman, of the same age, run a measured course, starting and finishing at the same time, she scores 100% while he scores 42%. She is highly qualified and suitable for promotion he is fired for sub-standard performance.
- A rich friend invites you out on their boat for a week. You explain that you would like to go, but you have to work. Your friend says you should learn to relax and enjoy life more. You say you'll go if your friend will make up for your week's lost wages. Your friend thinks that's unreasonable. Where sex is concerned, this is how it is between most women and men. Women don't get it.
- If a woman hangs out with male sluts, don't expect her to be different from her friends.
- Are "nice guys" men who act like women when it comes to etiquette between the sexes?
- If all the elected officials, and all the corporate executives of south africa were black, but all of them enacted or promoted policies and laws that benefited and catered primarily to the demands and desires of whites, who would have the power? Blacks by virtue of the color of the leaders’ skin, or whites by virtue of the leaders’ acts? In America, men hold the majority of leadership positions, but cater primarily to the desires and demands of women.
- Men will stop looking at women's bottoms, when women stop looking at men's bottom lines.
- The fact we still have separate restrooms and locker rooms for women and men proves the sexual double standard is still alive and well. Question is, who will be more eager or resistant to knocking down ALL the sexual double standards...women, or men?
- If women treat men's feelings like playthings, should men treat women's feelings any differently?
- There is a difference between generalizing and stereotyping. Stereotyping says "all," generalizing says "most." Generalizing is essential to day-to-day living, stereotyping is an essential characteristic of bigotry.
- Years ago, the feminist battlecry was "nice girls do." Now, more women than men act like the worst stereotypical male, and nice guys don’t know what to do. Maybe our rejoinder should be, "nice girls do have sex, do have orgasms, and do not sleep around."
- Should women who "play hard to get" be surprised if they attract men who like to conquer and dominate?
- There's a new trend among pop-feminists to act as though "men are just desserts." Okay, so why should men NOT treat women like "just desserts," too?
- If a man is interested in a woman's, he doesn't go out and take a poll to find out how attractive other men feel she is. When women are interested in a guy, many of them check with their friends to see how popular he is. What? Can't liberated women think and choose for themselves?
- Why is it that a "loser" is never a woman?
- I just heard about an organization called "Single Mothers by Choice." If men started a similar outfit called "Single Fathers by Choice," wouldn't they be accused of misogyny?