In this column I pose questions and raise issues. I don't always agree with the conclusion, implied or stated. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item and to promote discussion.
- The primary value of political correctness is dishonesty; dissimulation, its highest virtue.
- If men should treat women like ladies, then shouldn't women act like ladies?
- Are men out of touch with their feelings, or are women obsessively self-absorbed?
- Women who always have relationships with men who only want sex, are looking for men who only want sex.
- The purpose of civilization is to protect women and children. The purpose of patriarchy is to protect civilization.
- When men's advocates cite statistics, pop-feminists assert that statistics mean whatever we want them to mean. This does not stop them from trotting out loads of their own statistics.
- If women want to know how most decent men feel about women, stop and ask yourself, how would you feel if you found out that 92 percent of the male population (1) admire bitchy bar sluts, and (2) think you're a loser. Welcome to the world of men. Most women in our society (1) admire domineering jerks, and (2) think "nice guys" are losers.
- If women are better communicators than men, then why do so many bring up several issues all at once, never let us fully address any one of them, and then get huffy when we ask them to stick to one issue at a time?
- Many women's books address "boundary issues." Men subsume women, they say, in relationships. And what of men's boundaries"?
- Many proponents of male circumcision insist that an intact foreskin is inherently dirty and needs to be regularly cleaned - or amputated. But what of the vagina?
- Prostitution shouldn't exist because women shouldn't have to pay for it.
- In Vamps & Tramps, Camille Paglia notes that, like most women, lesbians arrange to have another lover lined up before they dump the one they're with. Evolutionary biologists assert this hearkens to the days when a female without a mate died. Okay, there is a reason for it. Does that excuse such moral cowardice?
- If human beings are more advanced than the apes, why don't apes circumcise their young?
- Pop-feminists says domestic violence is a control tactic men use against women. By the same token, would not false accusations of domestic violence also be a control tactic?
- Next time you see a female friend or coworker, ask her, "How's your better half?" and see how long it takes her to accuse you of sexism.
- Why do so few young women choose to have emotional intimacy in their sex, or sex in their emotional intimacy?
- Why is the idea that women should behave like adults offensive?
- Why do pop-feminists demand that we listen to them, but then refuse--turning red, laughing, and/or snapping--when we expect them to listen to us, too?
- If it were proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that any part of the female genitalia increase the chances of their male partners contracting penile cancer, would proponents of male circumcision then circumcise their daughters, too?
- The people at the National Organization for Women believe most men are the kind of men most women want (domineering jerks). That's why they're so desperate to change and control men. Since most men are not domineering jerks, would NOW's efforts to protect women be more effectively directed toward changing women's preferences? (Or is that too much like expecting women to take responsibility for their own lives?)
- If it were unhealthy for men to have a foreskin, why weren't we born without one in the first place?
- Why is it that if a man fondles a young girl's vagina he gets eight years in jail, while if a man amputates a helpless baby boy's foreskin he gets $200?