Sex Dolls to Replace Women?
By Rod Van Mechelen
Feminist insanity has infected our society to such an extreme that men shun marriage to a much greater extent than women, propaganda from the feminist-dominated press to the contrary notwithstanding. Will science save the day?
Love Shack?
2003 Olympia, Wash. - You've had it. The gender war spawned by the feminist androphobes has made relationships unthinkable, marriage unimaginable, and commitment...well, commitable. Sex is good, but with all the STDs and AIDS, it's a risky proposition at best. What's a guy or gal to do? Maybe the time has come for a Love Doll. (Warning: it's not an "adult site," but it's not for kids, either.)
No, not one of those inflatable things that doubles as a flotation device, but a next generation device that comes in both male and female form, with an electronic or animatronic version in the works. It's expensive! The basic model sets you back by $6,000. Owie!
A backlash reader brought this to my attention, and I'm not suggesting anybody run out (virtually speaking) and buy one, but it certainly puts a science-fictiony spin on the dynamics of sexual relationships.
What will they think of next? How about women and men who are taught how to treat one another with respect instead of feminist-fueled animosity? Now that would be something of real value.
Rod Van Mechelen
Rod Van Mechelen is the author of What Everyone Should Know about Feminist Issues: The Male-Positive Perspective (the page now includes several articles by other authors), and the publisher of The Backlash! @ He is a member of the Cowlitz Indian Tribe and served for 9-1/2 years on the Cowlitz Indian Tribal Council.