Faludi largely ignores or agrees with feminist-generated myths about men. Examples:
- Men batter women more than women batter men.
- Women do two jobs; men do one.
- We live in a male-dominated, patriarchal society in which men use their power to oppress women.
- Men earn more than women for the same work.
Farrell confronts feminist-generated myths about men. He documents why:
- Women and men batter each other equally.
- Men�s total work load is even greater than women�s.
- Both women�s and men�s roles were dominated by the needs of survival. Neither sex had rights: Women raised children; men raised money. Today, women have more options than men.
- Men earn more than women because of 25 different choices they make in the workplace.
Faludi ignores the Lace Curtain � the anti-male, pro-feminist media bias that questions none of the above assumptions. For example:
- Newsweek , NPR, and The New York Times give feminists like Faludi the front cover and full coverage.
Farrell confronts, defines, and documents the Lace Curtain. For example:
- Newsweek, NPR, and The New York Times ignore books by Farrell and other men that confront the men�s issues mentioned above and below.
Faludi ignores the legal system�s double standards against men (male-only draft registration; Violence Against Women acts; battered women�s syndrome; WIC; etc.)
Farrell explains the legal system�s double standards against men (male-only draft registration; Violence Against Women acts; battered women�s syndrome; WIC; etc.)
Faludi largely ignores male bashing and often participates in it.
Farrell explains how male bashing permeates our conscious and unconscious assumptions.
Faludi ignores government studies that are biased against men.
Farrell explains government studies that are biased against men.
Faludi ignores government funding of women�s issues and the neglect of men�s issues.
Farrell confronts the anti-male sexism in government funding of women�s vs. men�s issues.
Faludi ignores almost all of the 33 areas of men�s health that Farrell feels are being neglected.
Farrell describes the 33 areas of men�s health that Faludi ignores.
Faludi ignores women�s anger that is due to divorce destroying women�s guarantee of marriage as economic-security-for-a-lifetime.
Farrell explains women�s anger that is due, in part, to divorce destroying women�s guarantee of marriage as economic-security-for-a-lifetime.
Faludi advocates non-adversarial communication but fails to outline the specific ways couples can make that a reality of everyday life.
Farrell devotes four chapters to specific guidelines to help both sexes give and receive personal criticism.
Faludi advocates men being in touch with their feelings, but is rarely specific about how, or what specifically blocks them.
Farrell explains how men can be in touch with their feelings and shows how every institution � from the family to the workplace � can encourage men to do that.