The Backlash! - August 1996

Organization News - National Congress for Fathers and Children
118 Oakwood, Webster Groves, MO 63119
(314) 961-5875 FAX (314) 963-7562

The Welfare Reform bill

Bad news for good guys

by Dave Usher

I urge all responsible men and women to pound the White House in opposition to the welfare reform bill, just turned over to Clinton for veto.

Republicans have sold out to the entitlement bureacracy, and merely want to pass anything to make themselves look good. Clinton wants no change ... the entitled welfare state bureacracy, with all its pork (amounting to 30% of Missouri's state budget for example), is the power source of the Democratic Party. Clinton wants more problems and more big government.

This is why welfare reform, as written, is a disaster for fatherhood and a sellout to antifamily interests:

  1. Welfare reform provisions have been weakened to the point where they are virtually meaningless. Child vouchers will extend welfare beyond limits, for example. (all feminist lobbies)

  2. Half of the bill is a new "deadbeat dads" bill of machievellian proportions. We have not reformed welfare, we have perpetuated it by targeting divorced men, while giving government more tools to destroy fatherhood with. (All state agencies who get child support funding, ABA, feminist lobby).

  3. It will have the tendency to force women into the workplace (cheap labor lobby), and...

  4. It will tend to force more children into the hands of "state as parent" (N.E.A. and DFS lobbies).
The political intent is to make the issue dissapear into the courtroom, where the welfare state will do its business quietly, effectively, and cruelly.

This is a major powerplay by the legal profession. The welfare reform bill acts to hide the welfare state behind the bench, turning you and your family over to the care of the A.B.A. and credit agencies.

This is clearly perverse, anti family legislation. It must not stand.

Husband-absence is the primary predictor of poverty for women and children, domestic violence, crime, drug abuse, high taxes, the national deficit, and all the other problems all voters are highly concerned with. We cannot resolve the problem by funding more father absence.

We must get government-as-substitute-husband out of the family, and restore fatherhood as the norm in America, if we wish to imporve the futures of women, children, and men as well.

You can email President Clinton from here.

The Backlash! is a feature of New Chivalry Press

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