The Backlash! - July 1996

The measure of a man

Why is a woman's word worth more than a man's?

by John Sample

Ray didn't show up for work on Monday. This wasn't like Ray. He had worked for me for over two years. He had been late a time or two, but he always showed up. I needed to know where he was.

His roommate, Les, also worked for me, and so I asked him where Ray was.

Ray was in jail. He had been there since approximately noon on Saturday.

I try to be a concerned employer. If one of my employees has a problem, I try to be of assistance if the situation warrants it. This warranted at least some looking into, and as best as I can put it together, this is what happened.

On Saturday morning at around 9:00, Ray's on-again off-again girl friend, Laurie, came over to Ray's apartment. She was not invited. Ray asked her to leave. She did not leave. She verbally abused Ray for about 45 minutes. During this time, Ray asked her to leave a number of times. This part of the story is confirmed by Les.

Les then left the apartment. According to Ray, Laurie stayed for an additional 5 minutes and then left.

At around 12:00 noon, Ray heard a knock on the door. When he opened the door he was met by 2 police officers. They explained that Laurie had claimed that Ray had physically abused her and as a result he would have to go to jail.

Ray spent the rest of the weekend and most of Monday in jail.

Laurie declined to press charges. In the final analysis, Ray spent two nights and three days in jail. He lost a day's pay, incurred a number of other expenses and had been severely victimized by an unstable and vindictive woman.

The details of this nightmare called justice go beyond the point I am trying to make here (such as a bull dyke jailer harassing the men in jail.) But the important issue revolves around the inherent worth of one person's word.

Laurie had no physical marks of abuse, no clothing damaged, no bruises, no scratches, no messed up makeup, no broken nails, nothing. There were no other witnesses. But she claimed that Ray had physically abused her. Les verifies what Ray had to say about the time when Les was in the apartment. Les states that he would never have left if there was any physical hostilities. Ray says that all he did was ask Laurie to leave a number of times. But Laurie claims that Ray physically abused her.

So what this all boils down to is, one and only one issue: His word versus her word. That's it. It is a simple case of one person's word against another's. Or so it should be. But that's not the way it is under Washington State (and other states') law.

In the state of Washington, when it comes to "domestic violence," or in the entire U.S. when it comes to charges of sexual harassment), a man's word is not worth as much as a woman's word. Simply states, "A WOMAN'S WORD IS WORTH MORE THAN A MAN'S WORD." Men, did you read that clearly? If you didn't, go over that again.

Nowhere else in society would this obvious attack on a basic human right be allowed to stand. Can you imagine the outrage if a black woman's word was not worth as much as a white woman's word? Can you imagine the outrage if a black man's word wasn't worth as much as a white man's? Well then, why doesn't "A WOMAN'S WORD IS WORTH MORE THAN A MAN'S WORD" bring outrage? (Because after twenty-five years of feminist whining, too many of us have complacently accepted their sexist swill of hype and intellectual incest.)

This one case of Laurie, the police and Ray is only the tip of the iceberg. If you take together the unwitnessed claimed cases of domestic violence and sexual harassment, the numbers become quite significant. And in all of these cases, where there are no other witnesses, "A WOMAN'S WORD IS WORTH MORE THAN A MAN'S WORD." And guess who takes the legal beating? (Just ask Clarence Thomas.) Men do.

The reason for this is, in the past ten years, numerous anti male laws (pressed for by feminists -- many of who are men) have been written and passed. In addition, numerous anti male legal precedents have been set. (It is interesting to note that these laws and precedents were lobbied for under the auspices of liberating women.) And together, these laws and precedents have had the effect of making men second class citizens. (Some great way to help women!)

If you're a man, you should be aware that, at any time, any woman can cause you significant legal and/or financial problems just on her word alone. And if she decides that you are no longer her man, if she has a bad PMS day, if she decides to set you up, if she wants the house and the kids, or if she is just on the rag, you will have no defense. Whether it's your personal life or your job, you are as good as tried and found guilty. You will lose, because you are a man. (When I called the company attorney to find out how this could be, I asked him the following question: "Do you mean that in the state of Washington, any woman can have any man thrown in jail at any time?" His answer was, yes.)

Now, I can hear all of the feminazi cesspool of despair, justifications for this obvious deprivation of human rights, but I don't care one iota what they are. There can never be a legitimate reason for doubting one entire group's (men's) word over that of another group's (women's) word. But the simple fact still remains, "A WOMAN'S WORD IS WORTH MORE THAN A MAN'S WORD." And it is time to change this feminist inspired, convoluted logic, male bashing injustice.

To this end, I ask any reader that has a similar experience to send as much detail as possible to me care of The Backlash! I will keep track of the numbers and try to write up the information.

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