The Backlash! - July 1996

Organization News - Men's Advocate
12819 SE 38th St #237 Bellevue, WA 98006

It's about time

by Gene Hopp
USAF Academy 1961, Vietnam 68-69

What a day! This is the day I was listening to Rush Limbaugh and a woman caller finished her commentary by expressing public thanks to her husband for "getting out there" and "doing what it takes to support our family." Given the fact that women are "liberated" and enjoy more rights than men have ever dreamed of and are still the beneficiaries of profound amounts of male support, it is about time for this to happen. Thanks, Lady!

USA Today bigotry

I eagerly await the USA Today report on the damage done to men, fathers, and society in general as a result of Lenora Weitzman's dishonest reporting. (Female standard of living falls dramatically after divorce while male standards rise.) Don't we all know that USA Today has a de facto quota of articles about "women"?

From the independent, and far more honest Detroit Free Press (Front Page, Friday, May 7, 1996), we learn that some 250 law review articles and no less than 24 Supreme Court appeals relied on these falsehoods. But then again, so did USA Today and other media outlets in their endless quest for American victimhood and gender conflict.

Florence King on Feminism

In the March issue of National Review, my favorite Misanthrope, Florence King, perfectly expresses my opinion of feminism ala 1996. She says:
I’m sick of women. I’m sick of their wombs, I’m sick of their breast tissue, I’m sick of their lawsuits, I’m sick of their glass ceilings, and I’m sick of those made- for-TV female victims movies about stalkers, annonymous callers, and buried memories of childhood incest. I can’t bear to watch them but I always read the listings faithfully, in the spirit of self-flagellation, to see what they’ll come up with next.

As far as I can tell, there’s only one plot left: a white-male fetus rends his father’s penis while the parents are making the beast with two backs; the father bleeds to death, and the white-male fetus, conveniently situated within reach of his mother’s G-spot, stimulates her until she becomes his sexual slave.

If anyone wants to write this screenplay, I offer, free of charge, a title: Umbilicus Rex.


According to the U.S. Code, Title 10, Section 311, "Every American male between the ages of 17 and 45 is a member of the national militia." Anybody seen any protests about this sexism lately...from men or women? Is it not instructive about both sexes that neither one is protesting?

Susan B. Anthony According to Human Events (March 29), Susan B. Anthony...that feminist icon, not to mention rarely used $ coin...once said about abortion, "We want prevention, not merely punishment. We must reach the root of evil." We also know Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood at least partly to suppress the growth of the black population. Are we not glad that white males have a larger stable of potential heroes?

Tax supported feminism

According to The Weekly Standard (April 8th), Angela Davis of dubious civil rights fame was selected to hold the "Presidential Chair" at UC Santa Cruz with benefits of $30,000 and research assistance. (This is on top of the $68,000 salary Davis already receives for nourishing young California minds.) Could any of this tax-payer money be going to support Davis’s political activities?

But how could we question the activities of this woman after UC conferred upon her the title..."Professor of History of Consciousness in the Women of Color Research Cluster"? Men who think they can tap into this kind of tax-funded nonsense need to realize Angela Davis qualifies as a "twofer" in the "victim" category. White men will never manage that.

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