The Backlash! - January 1996

Organization News - Fathers' Rights & Equality Exchange (415) 853-6877 -- 701 Welch Rd. #323 Palo Alto, CA 94304

First annual F.R.E.E. National Conference

by Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
Copyright 1996 by Anne P. Mitchell

The Fathers' Rights & Equality Exchange, in conjunction with the F.R.E.E. Foundation, is very pleased to announce the First annual F.R.E.E. National Conference, to be held in the San Francisco Bay Area, Friday July 19th through Sunday, July 21st, 1996.

Here are some highlights:


[and many more!]


[and many more to be announced pending final confirmation].


The first annual national F.R.E.E. Conference will be held Friday, July 19th, 1996, through Sunday, July 21st, 1996, in the San Francisco Bay Area, at the Park Plaza Hotel, Burlingame, right near San Francisco Airport.

PLEASE NOTE: We have done our best to keep our conference rates very low (these are about 50% less than the typical national conference rate) because we recognize that many who want to attend are financially strapped. In order to continue to do this, however, we need to have as many confirmed reservations as possible, and as soon as possible, so that we can continue to be firm in our negotiations, and to look for alternate means of subsidizing this conference.

We have also secured great discounted conference rates on both accommodation and airfare rates, and we have arranged "one stop shopping" for you with our travel agency, making our agency available to you, so that with one call to a toll-free 800 number you will be able to make arrangements for hotel and travel, as well as any other arrangements you may wish to make, such as a rental car.

The conference will take place at the Park Plaza Hotel, naer SFO airport. We have secured the *very* low rate of $85.00 per night, single or double occupancy. After you make your hotel reservation, if you want to have someone room with you to share expenses ($42.50 per night each) be sure to drop us a line, and we will try to help facilitate room sharing arrangements.

Our travel agency has also secured conference discount rates for you on all major airlines into and out of San Francisco Airport (SFO).

To recap: by calling the 800 number, you can make your hotel reservations ($85.00 per night, single or double occupancy) and your travel arrangements (at the conference discount). Let us here at F.R.E.E. HQ know if you would like to share your room with a roommate. The 800 number is 1-800-283-4101, and you need to speak to either "JC" or Milu (pronounced "me-loo"). The agency is open from 9-5 pacific standard time, but you can also leave a voice mail for JC and they will call you back.

[NOTE: If you plan on attending, please drop us a short note to that effect as soon as you can, so that we can plan accordingly. Thanks.
To register for the conference itself, please send your check or money order to:
701 Welch Rd., #323
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Along with the following information:
Name, Address, Daytime telephone number, Evening telephone number, Email address

Will you be arriving:
Friday afternoon___
Friday evening___
Saturday morning___
Saturday afternoon___

Will you be departing:
Saturday afternoon___
Saturday evening___
Sunday morning___
Sunday afternoon___
Later than Sunday afternoon___

I am enclosing: $95.00 as I am a F.R.E.E. member registering before May 15, 1996___
$125.00 as I am a F.R.E.E. member registering after May 15, 1996___
$150.00, as I am not a member of F.R.E.E.___
$190.00, sign me up as a member and register me for the conference___
Name, Mailing Address, City/State/Zip, Daytime Telephone Number, Evening Telephone Number, Internet Email Address, if any, Fax Telephone Number, Would you like to receive alerts and updates by fax? Yes__ No__

Address to send "Custody for Fathers" to, if different from above:

Address to send "Putting Kids First" to, if different from above:

Address to send "Modern Dad" magazine to, if different from above:

NOTE: Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of books and magazines.

The Fathers' Rights & Equality Exchange (FREE) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the premise that parenting is a 50/50 proposition. As such, both fathers and mothers should share equally in the parenting and support of their children.

While there are many highly visible interest groups advocating the very real plight of single mothers, few groups speak out for the problems encountered by single fathers. As a result, society has come to not only overlook the problems of single fathers, but to view single fathers as the root of all evils visited upon the single mother. To be sure, FREE recognizes that there are indeed some fathers who don't pay support, or who skip town. However there are a great many fathers who want to parent their children, who are willing and prepared to pay their fair share of child-support, and who wish only to be treated with respect, fairness, and dignity by the State, the Family Law System, and by society. It is these fathers for whom FREE stands up and advocates.

FREE is an international membership group with members throughout the United States, Canada, England, Germany, Australia, and Japan. Members stay in constant communication via an international computer network known as the Internet.

Local groups respond to the needs of their area members by providing meetings, attorney referrals, and advice and support, as needed.

In addition, FREE members have used their collective power of the pen to work to educate others as to the concerns of single fathers, and the very real inequities in our current family law and social service systems. Examples include letters written to the United Way regarding an anti-father advertising campaign, and members getting involved and offering their services to the President's Commission on Urban Families.

FREE's director, Anne Mitchell, founded the organization in 1991. Ms. Mitchell, a family law attorney specializing in fathers' rights, and herself a single parent, has been involved in fathers' rights advocacy since 1987.

[ APRIL 1996 ] [ BACK ]
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