The Backlash! - April 1996

Organization News - The American Family Network
Voice phone: 907-345-9701 - Fax phone: 907-345-9862
12870 Old Seward Hwy. Suite #105 Anchorage, AK 99515

Action Alert

If you are tired of losing, please take five minutes to read this

by Mike Neligh

As some of you are aware, for the past several years I have been working through The American Family Network to develop an effective legal strategy to combat the false allegations of rape, abuse and neglect, that so many of us have suffered. In collaborating with some large law firms and the best fraud investigators in the nation, we are now able to mount and effective legal offensive against corrupt and invasive social service agencies around the country.

Unfortunately, legal challenges alone, will not cure the problem. Neither can they provide relief for everyone who has been falsely accused. The problem that we all face is a systemic problem, and the ultimate solution and resolution lies on the political floor. Lawsuits will bring us attention, but it will take a political force to make changes.

Now, it is time for all of us to take the next logical step. We must organize ourselves into a political force that cannot be ignored. We must evolve from a loose confederation of similarly affected people, into a coalition of dedicated, like- minded, soldiers warring to save our families. There are political events occurring just now that will facilitate our effort, but we must seize upon them. The iron is hot, and we must strike now.

By all estimates, there are over ten million people who have been falsely accused during the past few years. With numbers of this magnitude, there is no reason for us to continue to suffer without any hope of relief. We should be a force to be reckoned with, and we should not accept a continuation (not even for one more day) of the present situation. Each of us has been active within our own sphere of influence, and each of us has had some degree of success, be it political, or legal. However, the trauma, harassment and persecution continues.

We must form a large, nationwide coalition; with the power of numbers, to augment the legal challenges that we are making. I am therefore, proposing that each of you join me in becoming founding members of the Coalition of Parents (COP) . COP will represent the full range of those who have been falsely accused. COP will become a large, single issue voting block (much like the Christian Coalition except with out the religion, and with false allegations as a target issue, instead of abortion). COP will make it clear to all candidates for national office that, if they want our support, they must pledge to address, and correct the problem of corrupt social service agencies. If they will not, then we should pledge to take out our collective wrath on them at the polls. We account for about 12% of the voting population. We can do great good, or great harm to political careers if we carry this plan out.

Rather than duplicate efforts, COP will form an umbrella over our other organizations like AFN, CCLA, FMSI, FREE, VOCAL, and others. It would exist to lend a nation wide fundraising ability, provide liaison services between organizations, and confer a broader base of support to individuals and organizations when necessary. COP will be the advantage that each of has needed at one time or another.

Given our individual connections, we can quickly spread the word. If each of us will take an hour or two to call on a few people, and ask them to do the same, we will have the underpinnings of COP laid in a few days. My goal is to recruit 150 founding members in the next 48 hours. Those 150 members will be asked to recruit 10 members. That will give COP 1,650 members. We will ask the 1,500 new members to recruit ten more members each, and those members will recruit another ten members. Done, and done right, we will have built an organization of 150,000 members in less than a week, and with little more than an hours time spent by any one of us. The professional and political technicians needed to finalize the organization and make it run, are already in place. As things progress, we can make changes we deem necessary . The important thing is that we act now.

I know that each of us has prayed for someone to help us. By now, it must be clear that if help is to come, it must come from within. Please think about what is at stake here. It is our families, our children, and our lives. We have a chance to help ourselves, please let's not let anything stand in our way. Pick up the phone, right now, and call me; The number is 800-478-9410. Call collect if you need to. But please call me NOW.

Come vist the American Family's website.

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