It originates at this time from the address of Bob Hirschfeld, J.D., Phoenix AZ.
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I gave a seminar on Pro Se (self-representation in court) at the August 1996 National Congress for Fathers & Children (NCFC) Convention in Kansas City. It is a tightly presented introduction to Pro Se tactics, Rules of Civil Procedure, practical aspects facing the pro se litigator. It was well received, and I understand the Georgia videographer who taped the session at my request got enthusiastic response in his local fathers group screening. I used an overhead viewgraph projector to illustrate my talk, and my summarizing lists and topics are highly visible on the 1 hour-plus tape. The audio is clear.
HOW2 is selling the copyrighted seminar tape for $19.95 plus $3.00 Priority Mail Postage. HOW2 accepts checks, MO or credit cards at PO Box 36563, Phoenix AZ 85067, (602) 265 4692. Email credit card orders to Bob Hirschfeld, J.D..
Although I want to assert my copyright against unauthorized copying, purchasers are licensed to exhibit the tape publicly to fathers rights and/or pro-se audiences, and to keep whatever they may charge for the exhibition. They can probably more than make up the purchase cost at such a screening.
I'm the worst one to evaluate my own work, but I'll bet that everyone, no matter how experienced in pro-se work (and even domestic relations lawyers) will learn at least something or gain an insight they didn't have before viewing the tape.
Email to the Editor