The Backlash! - November 1996
Organization News - Fathers' Rights &
Equality Exchange
(415) 853-6877 -- 701 Welch Rd. #323 Palo Alto, CA 94304
F.R.E.E. Goes Non-Profit!
by Anne P. Mitchell, Esq
It gives us great plesaure to be able to announce to you the
formation of the F.R.E.E. Foundation, the non-profit sister organization of
This means several things for us:
- We will be able to apply for research, development, and educational grants
which are available for family and family law related projects. NOTE: If any of
you have grant-writing experience, and would be willing to donate some time and
energy into helping us secure some funding, please let us know!
- We are now able to take advantage of matching contribution programs
offered by some of your employers, as well as the "alternate organization" option
for some direct payroll deduction programs. Ditto for corporate equipment
donation programs. NOTE: Boy do we need equipment: fast computers, laptops,
laser printers, copying machines, fax machines, etc.
- Your personal donations to F.R.E.E. will now be tax deductible! Donations
should be made out to "The F.R.E.E. Foundation." NOTE: Dues will still be
payable to F.R.E.E., not the F.R.E.E. Foundation, and are not deductible. This is
because F.R.E.E. is politically active, and member dues help to fund our political
- We will now be able to fund raise, to help to further both national and local
efforts! NOTE: If you have fund raising experience, and would like to help
F.R.E.E. out in this area, please let us know!
1996 is going to be a great year to be F.R.E.E.!
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