By PC Seldom
Network to Eliminate Vaginally Elitist Rabble: "It's either NOW or NEVER." To paraphrase Constantine and Caesar, "In this sign, we will conquer: vidi, vinci, vagina (I saw, I fucked, I came)."
A Decent Proposal
1996 Bellevue, WA - Two events have conspired to set my random access mind in motion. First, I have just finished Warren Farrell's call to arms, The Myth of Male Power
, and second, I have just seen the arraignment of Heidi Fleiss, the latest in a long string of Hollywood's peculiarly indigenous fauna.
This second event wouldn't be all that important if it hadn't been preceded on the tube by shows with copious comments from spokeswhores from the National Organization for Women. Count on them to be present for every unnatural disaster.
What I was able to catch them saying, between my bursting blood vessels, was that this event was (1) another example of the double standard that refused to acknowledge that these women were yet more victims of male johns, and that (2) it showed how men were so lazy that they would rather pay for sex than go to the trouble of dating (there's a difference?).
No mention was made that (1) the double standard is that women want choices to be hookers without the responsibility of taking the hit, and that (2) women who want money would rather fuck than work (a damn good choice, but I wish men had that option). Notable here, was that there was no organization that could be called upon by the media to present the true and correct (some might say divinely inspired) interpretation of what was going on. This must change!
What is needed is a male counterpart to the National Organization for Women which has a spiffy acronym such as theirs, the very appearance of which will tell the whole story.
I propose that we establish the Network to Eliminate Vaginally Elitist Rabble. Thus, while their acronym is NOW, ours will be NEVER. In fact, our motto will be, "It's either NOW or NEVER." To paraphrase Constantine and Caesar, "In this sign, we will conquer: vidi, vinci, vagina (I saw, I fucked, I came)."
The mind reels when we think of protests at state capitols with half of the signs reading NOW and the other half reading NEVER. This, surely, is the way to national media attention (and maybe free meals and lodging).
Few among us doubt the need for some sort of vehicle to present our point of view and, while much work remains, I suggest the establishment of NEVER is an important first step. The Backlash! solicits your help and contributions in whatever form. Consider this the equivalent of a Call for Papers.
PC Seldom is a Classical Liberal who enjoys reading Tom Clancy and William Greider