The Backlash! - October 1996

Organization News - Men's Advocate
12819 SE 38th St #237 Bellevue, WA 98006

The new direction?

by Gene Hopp
USAF Academy 1961, Vietnam 68-69

Has anyone else noticed the new direction of the various levels of government since the GOP-conservative so-called "revolution" in November of 1994? Along with the rhetoric about personal responsibility, the dialogue also seems to contain many references to "family" rights and "ending the destructive cycle of subsidizing unwed motherhood." Sounds great to me, if only I could believe something will actually be done. But the process will be fascinating, and painful, to watch.

With regard to single motherhood, no doubt we have all heard the continued hue and cry about how "fathers have to take responsibility for their children." Never mind that most of these children are only linked in the biological and "child support" sense and...while a woman can abort ("kill" in the minds of about 40% of the population) or give away "her" children...and we expect men to support children that they are not even guaranteed a right to visit...the more onerous and unrewarding we make the father’s role, the sorrier quality of fathers we’ll get. And with the descending quality of fathers so also will go the quality of mothers. In fact, I would submit that 30 years of "The Great Society" subsidizing of "accidental" head-of-household status by derelict and unqualified women is the primary cause for all of our current social pathologies such as crime, drugs, failing schools, government intervention in families, and abuse of all kinds including to men etc.

Can we really believe this society will actually take the position that parenthood, and head-of-household status, will have to be agreed upon and contracted for before this currently "private" choice is made. Quite simply that would entail telling women that accidental motherhood is wrong and, preferably (in my opinion) illegal. Yes, of course, the biological reality probably can’t be completely stopped, but the unilateral choice of self-selected single parenthood could be prohibited. Unfortunately, along with being "liberated" and having freedoms that men have never even dreamed of...such as living in a society or community with no real possibility of any mandatory public service obligation...women still enjoy the status of being entitled to protection, support, as well as their more recently designated victim status.

Their privileged status has directly led women to being the only majority with "minority rights." Women are the only victim group that is under-represented in the public sector precisely because they enjoy so many rights in the domestic sector. Yet, virtually no one, much less female pundits, speak out against this.

So I predict that we’ll hear still more about how "men have to be responsible" meaning before conception. How vastly superior we, men and women, must think men are when we insist they must "be responsible" prior to the sex act when we refuse to expect, much less demand, that women be responsible even up to and including the majority (age 18) of the child.

Women will tell us that without "choice" they’ll simply break the law while, out of the other side of their mouths, they insist that men must not break the law in spite of being denied a similar reproductive choice.

Gradually, I think and hope it will dawn on this decaying society that women have total control over the reproductive process and rewarding them while punishing men for promiscuity and derelict parenthood only insures the worst of our citizens will produce a disproportionate percentage of the children. This process could be implemented far more quickly if only a few more women stood up and spoke out about the obligations of their own liberated and independent sex and spent less time lecturing us about what men owe the society.

The Backlash! is a feature of New Chivalry Press

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