Icons of feminizm
By Randy Lewis
Thanks to McCorvey, American women have all the reproductive rights while men have none.
I Am Roe
1995 - Sometimes you can learn a lot about an organization and movement by looking at the people who represent it. For example, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Gloria Steinem, Andrea Dworkin, Patricia Schroeder, etc.
This entire country has had its moral fiber altered for the last 30 years as the result of the actions of one individual. This one individual, who represents the core issue of feminizm - abortion, however, has escaped public scrutiny until recently when she published her book: I Am Roe: My Life, Roe V. Wade, and Freedom of Choice
. This book is an account of the life of the individual involved in the landmark 1973 Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion.
The individual's real name in that decision is Norma McCorvey, but she could just as well be any woman who claims to be a feminizt as she is a celebrity spokesperson for women's rights today.
In February, 1970, at age 21, when Norma McCorvey agreed to become the plaintiff in a lawsuit seeking to overturn Texas' anti-abortion statute, she was divorced and pregnant for the third time.
The previous five years of her life, though unusual for that time, are now, as a result of the remarkable success her actions and that of the feminizt movement, becoming very commonplace. In fact, her life then could be considered the norm now. Thanks to her, younger and younger women are able to follow in the path that Norma McCorvey has blazed for them.
Thanks to McCorvey, there is no longer a stigma attached to illegitimacy and women throughout the world are able to exercise complete control over their bodies with complete disregard for a men's wishes. These girls are now entitled to housing, food, child care, transportation, medical care and even job-training.
When Norma was 16, she was a high-school drop-out, but she was married. While she was pregnant, she attempted to commit suicide, but fortunately, she failed. For a while afterward, she sold drugs for a living, tended bar in gay hangouts and worked as a carnival barker. But, perhaps the most interesting and compelling aspect of all of about her life is that she is a self-acknowledged lesbian.
The "tragic" history of her three pregnancies are as follows:
- Baby No. 1: Product of her marriage to a man who accused her of infidelity upon hearing the news that she was pregnant. The baby was born on May 25, 1965 and the baby, named Cheryl, was raised by her mother.
- Baby No. 2: The result, one year later, of a brief relationship with a hospital orderly named "Joe," who claimed the baby upon delivery. Without even learning the child's sex, Norma M. took to the road. 'The whereabouts of "Joe" and child are unknown.
- Baby No 3: She had claimed that this pregnancy was the result of a rape to have the Supreme Court consider her case. The truth, however, is that it was the result of an affair with a professional gambler. The child was born in 1970, three years before the landmark Supreme Court decision. The baby was adopted at birth.
To maintain women's right to have complete and TOTAL control of all reproductive choices, to guarantee that whatever choices women make that they will not be required to be financially responsible for those choices and to join the ranks of other feminizts (alongside the spiritual icon and Santa Claus for feminizts, Norma McCorvey), join your local chapter of The National Organization for Women (N.O.W.) Women don't NEED men's involvement in the raising of their children!
Celebrate the fact that should you have an "accident," that you will have ALL of the options. After all, isn't that what choice is all about - the right to self-
determination for women?
Currently, 65 percent of teenage births, 94 percent of black American teenage births, 60 percent of teenage Hispanic births (700% increase in the last 30 years) and 56 percent of white teenage births were out of wedlock - approximately 1.2 million American children (30% of all babies) this year and this number is rising dramatically for all groups. More than one million of the U.S.'s nine million girls between the ages of 15 and 19 get pregnant every year!
Without a choice, these helpless women could find themselves in the same situation that men do currently. Remember, over one-half of all pregnancies are "accidental" and 65% of U.S. FATHERS who conceive with never married mothers didn't intend to conceive(1) Don't let Norma McCorvey's tragedy become that of all women!
Since the number of single mothers on welfare has jumped by one-third in a decade, why should we penalize them? These innocent teenage women are merely the victims of the irresponsibility of MEN! Why should we penalize these girls with welfare reform? We should make the men pay, not the women! Unfortunately, it is not very likely that we can expect to get any money from these unemployed and broke teenage deadbeat-boys.
No, instead of welfare reform, what we are going to REALLY need is more social workers and prisons for the children of these innocent teenage girls grow-up and become adults. (2) (3) We need to find new ways to make MEN, and men only, pay for these prisons and social workers, not welfare reform! We have complete control now, why should we give any of it to men? Why should we penalize any girl/woman who is merely following in the footsteps of the greatest feminizt icon of all -- Norma McCorvey?
Please note that Norma McCorvey, the celebrity spokesman for women's rights and abortion-rights marcher, now works as a counselor in a Dallas-area women's clinic.