"Disclosure" discloses NOW's agenda
By Stuart A. Miller
Feminists defend fictional characters that are feminist but attack fictional characters that are not feminist.
They'll do it every time
1995 Maryland - I was not interested in the movie Disclosure
until the National Organization for Women(NOW) spoke out against it. It seems that it was not too long ago that former Vice President Dan Quayle was roundly criticized for discussing a fictitious character (Murphy Brown). It is curious that the same people who criticized Vice President Quayle are not only speaking out about a fictitious character, but going several steps further and personally attacking the actors who landed the leading roles.
At the end of the movie, the CEO of a corporation confesses that he made his decision to appoint a new division director based on the sex of the candidate, rather than the best person for the job. He ultimately chose a woman, who was the best person for the job. What women's group would oppose this?
NOW's Agenda Is Not To Promote Equity and Fairness
More importantly, I thought the movie raised consciousness about sexual harassment. What better way to get the subject of sexual harassment across to men, than to portray a man as the victim? Would men have been impacted by a movie depicting a powerful man forcing himself on a subordinate woman? No.
NOW's reaction to this movie, however, deeply concerns me. It subverts an issue that should concern both men and women alike. I thought NOW's agenda was to promote equity and fairness. Many recent incidents have caused me to reconsider this opinion. It does not appear that the heightened awareness about sexual harassment that has occurred as a result of Disclosure
is even a concern, to the NOW leadership. Furtherance of the idea that "men are bad, women are good" seems to be their preference.
Most men like women and want to work with them. But it is difficult when we are consistently slapped in the face with contempt of feminist leaders. These gender-
feminists seem to embrace hatred with the same fervor as religious fanatics do their religion. The gender-feminist "religion" comes complete with its own self-
proclaimed saints and, of course, its demons: who are brothers, husbands, sons and fathers!
NOW Driving Women Away
Because of this hatred, more and more women refuse to be associated with feminism. For those of you who doubt what I am saying, I implore you to listen to your self-proclaimed "saints" testify before Congress and State legislatures. Their agenda of hatred is so obvious that even the most skeptical woman will be shocked.
Reasonable women need to organize and protest the ranting of these radical hate-mongers and tell your political leaders that gender-feminists are not speaking for you. Women need to get back into the business of equality, fairness and opportunity, not gender warfare. Ask any man, most of us would love to help you do that. I would enjoy working with you again.