The Backlash! - June 1996

Email to the Editor

The Backlash! is Rated in the Top 5%

Todd Whitney: We're very glad to tell you that the editors of Point Communications have reviewed your home page for our "Top 5% of the Web" catalog.

Your page will now be listed with other great sites on Point, with the review by our editors and a direct link to your site. (You can see our reviews at Point Communications.)

Point is a free service which rates and reviews only the best, sharpest, and funniest home pages on the World Wide Web. Our ratings and reviews have been featured on CNN and in many publications around the world, including our new Macmillan book "The World Wide Web Top 1000." A Point review should increase your exposure and attract new visitors to your site.

We invite you to display Point's pretty-darned-prestigious "Top 5% of the Web" badge, and we invite you to link back to us at

What The Hell Do Women Really Want?

Jon M.: I read the book and I think you are too harsh. I would argue that she is not saying that you should only attract shallow people, and that everyone will fall for shallow tactics, but ALL people, men and women, have certain "triggers" that they are attracted to, no matter how enlightened they may be. Her tactics, fortunately or unfortunately, do work. They will (using the male stereotype of using a baseball analogy...) get you up to bat, getting around the bases is still up to you.

Why hasn't Dr. Clark been on the TV talk show ciruit? She would be much better than the "experts" I see presently on them.


Barrie Mill: Well gang I think that CTV (maybe its CFCN - Channel 3 or 13)[check your TV guide] has sunk to a new all time low. Even lower than the neutered profeminists who run the CBC.

On Monday, May 27 at 6:45 pm they are airing a program against violence, domestic of course. I saw two promos for the broadcast tonight (Saturday) and - of course- the show is going to be about male violence against women and children. Nothing about female abuse of men or court violence against fathers. Please watch it and then protest. I seem to remember something Evans said about NOT PERMITTING STEREOTYPING OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE but maybe I misheard him. Tell yuor friends to watch, too. This show, coupled with Bill 214, will really place men on the endangered species. Its probably going to be advantageous for all of us to become homosexual gophers at least then we would be protected on two fronts - Federally and Provincially - of course Bill Smith is of the opinion that men/fathers deserve what they get for divorcing women whom they married.

Seems to me that after Monday's show fathers (il)legally prevented from parenting might as well roll over and play dead. Then again maybe what we should do isto continue fighting back. I opt for the latter. But, to get anywhere, we have to write to the powers that be, appear on TV shows and radio talk shows whatever. Its no good bitching amongst ourselves, we need action.

Evidently Marina Forbister, President of ECMAS in Calgary, did a super job on 630 radio (noon show) on Bill 214 on Friday. Lets follow her example and speak out whenever the opportunity presents itself.

PS I am still looking for names of lawyers and judges for the list I am compiling for broadcast. I need the GOOD, BAD AND THE DOWNRIGHT UGLY. Brief details, especially on the jerks, would be appreciated but I'll settle for names with a designation if that's all you have

MEN..not women..dying for their country

Chad M.: Sitting here listening to a talk show review with the author (Ken Davis) of a new book on the Civil War, "'Don't Know Much About the Civil War". His fact:
About 624,000 died resulting from the war. It was about 2 percent of the population. According to Davis, that would translate into 5-6 million, today.
He didn't break it down by gender. I suppose some of them were women --as in the burning of Atlanta. But in all the battle photos I've seen of the war, I don't remember seeing any female bodies.

Happy Memorial Day, guys! Have you heard some of the male-bashing advertisements designed to get WOMEN to attend traditional Memorial Day sales?

New Book on Promise Keepers Movement

esquire: Have you heard about a new book on the Promise keepers movement entitled, BEYOND PROMISES: A BIBLICAL CHALLENGE TO PROMISE KEEPERS (Canon Press, 1996) written by David Hagopian and Douglas Wilson, with foreword by John Armstrong?

Here is what the official announcement from the publisher says about it:

BEYOND PROMISES takes a balanced look at the Promise Keepers movement, applauding what it has done well and pointing out where, in the movement's own language, it needs to "raise the standard" in the days to come.
The book is divided into four parts. Part One ("At Its Best") commends the movement for what it has done well and responds to unfounded criticisms of the movement. Part Two ("Some Causes for Concern") raises several general concerns with the movement. Part Three ("Promises, Promises") examines the now-famous seven promises. And Part Four ("Beyond Promises") challenges the movement and its followers, to move beyond human promises to the only Promise Keeper — Jesus Christ. Already, several noted evangelicals have endorsed Beyond Promises. Here is what they have said:
John MacArthur, Jr. (Grace to You): "This is a superb book. Charitably, clearly, biblically, Douglas Wilson and David Hagopian examine the Promise Keepers phenomenon. They explain what is right with the movement — and what is wrong with it. I found the entire book deeply thought-provoking and profoundly sobering. If the evangelical men's movement is going to have the sort of positive impact many expect it to have, the movement's leaders urgently need to make some dramatic mid-course corrections. Beyond Promises shows carefully from Scripture what the true course must be, and it erects a bright warning beacon where one has been desperately needed. My prayer is that it will help multitudes of men from making shipwreck of the faith."

John Armstrong (Reformation & Revival Coalition): "I would hope that leaders of the Promise Keepers movement might consider the reasonable concerns and significant issues raised by Douglas Wilson and David Hagopian. I pray, furthermore, that multitudes of men who are genuinely excited about the Promise Keepers movement will ponder the sober and biblical warnings of this fine book."

R. C. Sproul, Jr. (Ligonier Ministries): "Beyond Promises is real meat for real men. With both compassion and conviction, Wilson and Hagopian examine the burgeoning Promise Keepers movement. What they find may surprise you — an organization at odds with its goals, doctrine at odds with Scripture. In the process, the reader comes away with an understanding of and a zeal for true biblical manhood. This book may challenge your assumptions, but it will surely push you back to the true source of wisdom, God's abiding Word."

Don Matzat (Issues, Etc.): "In Beyond Promises, Douglas Wilson and David Hagopian accurately point out that the dynamic of the Christian life goes beyond making promises that we cannot keep. What is at issue is the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to change lives. Do we begin with the Gospel only to be made perfect by promise keeping? This is must reading for those who are willing, and perhaps brave enough, to critically examine a very popular movement."

Kim Riddlebarger (Christians United for Reformation): "If you've read the Promise Keeper books or gone to the rallies but suspected something wasn't quite right and were not quite able to put your finger on the problem, Beyond Promises offers a sane and thoroughly biblical corrective. David Hagopian and Douglas Wilson repeatedly point those of us who know that we cannot keep our promises to the only One who ever did: our Lord Jesus Christ — something the Promise Keepers movement tragically fails to do."

To schedule an interview with the authors or to order a copy of the book, please call Canon Press at (800) 488-2034, or Email Canon Press.

Beyond Promises: A Biblical Challenge to Promise Keepers, paperback, 270 pages, Item #F-111, $14.00.

The authors fault the movement for not being strong enough on feminist agenda. You would like the book. You should get a review copy from the publisher. If you review the book, please forward the review to me. Thanks.

Covering your Assets

Annon: I have set up a corp (xxxxxxxxxxxxx Inc.) and I now do all of my work through it. It is part owned by family members. I pay myself my desired wage and have many previously non-deductable and arguable-in-family-court expenses paid by the corp as detailed in an "employement agreement" document. It costs $800/year to maintain the corp but I save much more than that. At the end of the year I disperse all retained money (income - expenses - my wages) to the shareholders according to their equity share in the corp.

It is possible to receive non-taxable "gifts" back from those family members ($10K/year) which they might decide to give me after they receive their dividend from the corp :) Because the corp retains no money there is no tax. The income I receive is delayed until the end of the fiscal tax year of the corp so it shows up in my pocket later, delaying its availability to prove spousal support capacity.

My wages are kept low so the target on my back when I'm in family law court is smaller. I don't need as much money to live on because much of my expense is paid by the corp (a home office is VERY useful, not for tax purposes, which involve IRS scrutiny, but for corp expenses). I am yet to resolve the lingering issues with my yearly dividend income when the corp profits are dispersed, but it seems managable. My government makes me divert about 20% of my productivity to dodging their unwelcome intrusion into my life. Meanwhile, I continue to be a good and responsable father while my ex-wife still has no job 4.5 years after the divorce (and receives no pressure from the family courts to conduct herself in a financially responsable manner). What a waste of time and effort to go through all these things just to KEEP WHAT I WORK AND TAKE RISKS TO EARN!

Please be careful not to identify me with this message since I will lose a lot if my ex-wife knows how I am avoiding her efforts to retain me as her financial slave. I provide this scenario because i know it works and it may help other poor dads.


JKL: So true, so true. I link to you. Thanks. See

Child deaths - CPS

Men's HOTLINE: The Men's Health Network provides this sad statistic:
CPS in Louisiana reports that of children killed by a parent 1989-1992 (inclusive), 89.7% were killed by their mothers, 10.3% by their fathers.

Info on feminazi

Glen C.: Looking for information on an american feminist who reportedly said "men should be shot" at a conference in Banff, Alberta Canada sponsored by Canadian Federal government circa 1988-1992. Want to know date, name of woman, and conference name if possible. Can you help?
Editor: According to the May 13, 1991, Montreal Gazette, at a conference entitled Women in a Violent Society, Andrea Dworkin, author of Intercourse, called upon women to kill men whom the Law had cleared of charges of violence against women.

SCUM Manifesto online

SunCat: Your bit about J.M. Keynes impells me to send you this: Peoples' Capitalism: The Economics of the Robot Revolution. James S. Albusd is a roboticist at the NIST.

Many thanks for the bit about the SCUM Manifesto. The whole shabang is on the WWW thanks to Tom Jennings: SCUM Manifesto by Valerie Solanas.

I Shot Andy Warhol is coming to the theaters. Note well, she writes that first we must kill most of the men, enslave the rest, get them to create an automation society, kill off the rest, and then reproduce by genetic engineering. Note well, men are military-industrial robots in the service of women to be disposed of when no longer needed. Sounds like Warren Farrell--only he doesn't want it to stay that way.

Norman Mailer in _The Prisoner of Sex_ says that Solanas represents the Magnetic North of the women's movement. The only reason more '90's feminists don't do likewise is that they are anti-technology. Guns, automation, genetic engineering--can't have that. They grew up with dolls not erector sets. Their machinations are interpersonal.

Have a chuckle. She's so hateful she's funny.

Thank God

Jim S.: Thank God I finally found media that speaks the simple truth about the time in which we are living.

Another white male who has been screwed by the courts.


Stephen AS.: Thought I'd let you know that I linked your page to two pages that I run, the first called The Crisis in Radical Thought. The second is called Cranky ... cranky ... cranky.

I enjoyed your essay, and relate rather strongly to what you've written. I had a similar experience, although I come from a gay liberationist background.

Despite all their near daily provocations in the seventies, I remained a strong supporter of feminism until the late eighties when the contradictions finally caught up with them. The result has been various run-ins in my academic life ... not the least of which was when a particular woman accused me of sexual harassment because I caught her in a lie. The charge went nowhere because I am gay, but, as I point out to my straight male friends, doesn't that frighten men who don't have such as "easy out".

Anyway, thanks for your page.

the backlash

Ms. Claudia S.: Congratulations!

Violent Betrayal

Darryl Nettleton: Could you please send me some more details on the book Violent Betrayal. I am studying Human services at Uni at the moment I am working on an assignment on domestic violence in a feminist subject. Could you also send me the Journal article by Lie & Warrior about lesbian domestic violence.
Editor: Claire M. Renzetti's book, Violent Betrayal, is hard to come by -- most book store clerks I spoke to assured me it doesn't exist. I guess we should count ourselves lucky they stock the relatively uncontroversial Myth of Male Power at all!

Has anyone heard of Lie & Warrior? I don't know what it is.

New Zealand listing on Resource Directory

Mark Rowley: Men's Centre North Shore, PO Box 34-215 Birkenhead, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND

A Patriarchy Web Site!

Robert Sheaffer: This is an invitation to pay a visit to a brand new site, the Domain of the Patriarchy on the Internet.

It contains material that will be very useful for debunking feminist falsehoods. If you maintain any web pages dealing with mens' issues, please include a link to the Domain of the Patriarchy.

Robert Sheaffer - - Chief Patriarch and Oppressor-General Refuting the Most Common Feminist Lies and Pseudo-Scholarship.

The feminist movement as we have come to know it in recent decades is fundamentally a "con." It is as filled with falsehood, inaccuracy, and foolishness as astrology or parapsychology. As it is considered treasonous to criticise a sister feminist, no standards of accuracy or honesty are ever enforced. Hyperbole and deceit thus become the formula for success, "peer review" playing no role in reining in misinformation. Any would-be feminist who raises scholarly objections to the rampant misinformation (Christina Hoff Sommers, Camille Paglia, Elizabeth Loftus, etc.) is branded an 'enemy of women' and is drummed out of the movement.

Various feminists proclaim that women are 'under siege', that a monstrous social bias against them, if not a virtual war, is going on, that women have little respect or power (Steinem, Faludi, Tavris, etc.) Yet the notion of the American woman as a powerless "victim" is one of the most absurd notions ever foisted upon anyone. American women live, on average, seven years longer than men. They own 86 % of all personal wealth, have and make up 55% of current college graduates. Women cast 54% of the votes in Presidential elections, so they can hardly claim to be left out of the political decision-making process! They win almost automatically in child custody disputes. Women suffer only 6% of the work-related fatalities (the other 94% are suffered by men). Women are the victim of only about 35% of violent crimes, and only about 25% of all murders, yet because of our society's exaggerated concern and respect for them, special legislation has been passed to punish "violence against women" as if it were a more heinous crime than "violence against men". (Feminists claim to want "equality", and this is an example of what "equality" means to them, i.e., preferential treatment to address their concerns).

Two out of every three dollars spent on health care is spent on women, and even if you don't count pregnancy-related care, women still receive more medical care than men - yet feminists still holler that womens health is being "neglected", and far too many of us credulously believe them. Of the 25 worst jobs, as ranked by the Jobs Related Almanac based on a combination of salary, stress, security, and physical demands, 24 of them are predominantly, if not almost entirely, male, which might explain why men commit over 80% of all suicides.

Now, if it were really the case, as feminists claim, that men have selfishly arranged everything to be wonderful for themselves, absolutely ignoring womens' legitimate concerns and needs, would the above be true? Of course not. It is much more realistic to suggest that women have cleverly seized the upper hand by pretending to be helplessly trapped below! Looking at the full picture, and not the tiny, distorted one that feminists and those they have duped present, we see a very different picture.

The American woman emerges as perhaps the most privileged large group in history, enjoying a never-before- seen level of affluence, power, leisure, and health, supported by the work, discipline, and self-effacing, life-destroying exertions of a group they have bamboozled - their men - into believing their cries of "victimization". The links below will help you to start finding your way out of the familiar maze of feminist lies.

Wider scope?

Jim T.: Good stuff but what about broadening to a wider scope of subjects. race, politics, economic systems,etc. A wide range of "granola Bigots" exist that presume their moral superiority.

Aloha from Hawaii

IQ Design: If you are browsing the web today, stop by

No experience needed

Paul C.: I have virtually no experience as a (potential/absent) father, and want to keep it that way.
Editor: Likewise.

You’re not alone

Stewart M.: I'm still relatively new to all this internet stuff, so forgive me if I seem a bit ignorant (I am, but I'm learning). I've just spent the past couple of hours in the Backlash, and all I can say is that it reflects my feelings 100%. I believe that it's vitally important for the well being of our sons and daughters that we men continue to speak out for a positive change in the roles that they will be expected to fill in tomorrows society.

Coming from a female dominated background, I was diagnosed as a misogynist at the age of 8. Even so, I learned not to hate women, but used my past experiences to become sensitive to their mistreatment and abuse.

I've experienced just about everything an abused woman has experienced, Including being struck in public. It always seemed odd to me that nobody even seemed to notice. What would have happened if I hit her back?

Until I got online, I always thought I was alone, and all the bad relationships I've had were all my fault, somehow. I pretty much wrapped myself in a shell, and have avoided relationships since my ex-wife bailed on our kids and I eight years ago ( I am a single parent).

It's good to know that I'm not alone anymore.

I want to wish you good fortune in your future endevors, and offer you my support, as I feel a need to get involved in this growing men's movement.

Unjust blame

Paul J.: This is the first time I have encountered your "interzine" and I agree that the feminist movement unjustly blames men for their problems. Please keep up the good work in keeping us men updated on the threats to us.

Tell us how you really feel




RS, MD: Your site is full of shit. biased and misleading and with an infantile knowledge of basic statistics at best is pseudo science and misrepresentation of the quoted data. thank god you make it so obvious that noone with any sense would believe this crap except other misguided individuals on a crusade to assauge a guilty conscience. No I am not a feminist and yes my gender is male. And it is time to take responsibility not try to escape it.
[ JUNE ] [ BACK ]
The Backlash! is a feature of Shameless Men Press

Email to the Editor